
Want to know when a program regularly airs? Visit our Schedule.

Classical Excursions

Greg LaTraille

Classical radio programs often focus on well-known light classics and ignore challenging and imaginative masterworks, especially from the rich repertoire of 20th century music, which is very diverse. This results in listeners who are unaware of many wonderful works. Excursions will present short and longer works by famous as well as less known composers, with insightful commentary by a composer with years of experience in radio, classical marketing, and music education.

Live Friday 11am-1pm

Cowboy Tracks

Join Nancy around the campfire to hear authentic Western roots music and cowboy poetry. Something deep in your soul will resonate to stories from the early wranglers, Mexican vaqueros, Old West adventurers, Silver Screen buckaroos, Western Swing bands, contemporary real cowboys, and all who appreciate wide open spaces, freedom, and the western lifestyle.


Live Wednesday 1-2pm
Replays Friday 7-8am

Davis Music Connections

Music notes image

Davis has a very unique musical scene — from the Mondavi Center’s formal performances to the local clubs where bands and upcoming artists hone their craft. Local and visiting musicians  are captured by Jim Buchanan on our Live Tracks program. On Davis Music Connections, we play past Davis bands of note, along with those who are currently touring, taking a little bit of Davis to the rest of the world.

Live Monday 3-4pm
Replays Wednesday 7-8am, Sunday 9:30-10:30pm


Davisville illustration

Davis has interesting people, ideas, connections, and events. On Davisville, host Bill Buchanan presents stories that have some connection to Davis. The program has won 14 Excellence in Journalism awards from the San Francisco Press Club since 2018, plus a national Hometown Media Award for excellence from the Alliance for Community Media in 2024. Contact: davisville @

Live Monday 5:30-6pm
Replays Tuesday 12-12:30pm, Saturday 8:30-9am

Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman photo

Hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now is an award-winning syndicated news program that gives voice to perspectives rarely heard in corporate-sponsored media, including independent journalists, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics, independent analysts, and ordinary people from around the world.

Replays Monday 9-10am, Tuesday 9-10am, Wednesday 9-10am, Thursday 9-10am, Friday 9-10am


eTown KDRT

E-Town, taped before a live audience in Boulder, Colorado, features today’s top folk and Americana artists, along with information and discussions on the environment and conservation. Host Nick Forster nimbly walks the line between musician and radio journalist, playing guitar, mandolin, or lap steel with musical guests and then switching gears to engage artists in conversation. Co-host Helen Forster lends her voice to both the spoken and musical portions of the show.

Replays Thursday 3-4pm, Saturday 11pm-Sunday 12am

Education Beat

ed beat

KDRT is proud to air EdSource’s new show, Education Beat: Getting to the heart of California schools.

From EdSource: 

"Join us each week as we cover everything from preschool to college, bringing you the personal stories behind the headlines.   We want you to hear the voices that are too often drowned out in the broader conversation: parents, teachers, and the students themselves."


Replays Monday 5:10-5:30pm, Tuesday 8:10-8:30am

Exploration with Michio Kaku

Dr. Kaku

An hour long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction.

Hosted by Michio Kaku.

Replays Wednesday 8-9am

Eye on Sports

Eye On Sports is a talk radio show focused on local sports in the Sacramento/Davis area that occasionally covers National Sports. Hosts Chuck and Cody have been involved with sports both nationally and locally for more than 15 years and want to share their opinions and initiate discussion to the public through conversation and occasional outside interviews. This show will not be politically driven in anyway. The conversation will cover the results , local impact, business and psychology of sports.

Live Thursday 6-7pm
Replays Friday 8-9am

High Country Music Radio

Bluegrass, country, blues, music


Tune into High Country Music with host David Arthur Reynolds, for a celebration of bluegrass, old-time music and country blues. Spend an hour on the front porch with High Country Music as we follow the high lonesome sound of contemporary musicians and legendary roots artists, maintaining a vibrant connection to our folk and country songbook. 

Replays Tuesday 11am-12pm



IMPLOSION is hosted by Nick Saloman, front person of The Bevis Frond. Born and raised in London, England, Nick started buying records as a small child in the late 1950s and began going to gigs and playing in bands as a teen in the late 60s. IMPLOSION is simply an hour of Nick playing the music that he loves (psychedelia, rock, folk, beat, jazz, soul, punk, and more), with a bit of chat thrown in for good measure.

Replays Monday 11pm-Tuesday 12am, Wednesday 5-6pm, Saturday 4-5pm

In the Key of Folk

In the Key of Folk with Karen Leyse offers music that will keep you humming or dancing along — perhaps both! The focus is on traditional and current folk music, Americana, and bluegrass, with Celtic, Nordic, and Spanish infusions — wherever Karen's travels and interests take her. In addition, the music of contra dance, an American Folk tradition that came with English and other settlers, will often be threaded through the hour. Don’t know it? Check it out.

Live Wednesday 2-3pm
Replays Thursday 7-8am, Sunday 10-11am

Listening Lyrics

Listening Lyrics, Pieter Pastoor, KDRT
Welcome to an hour of LISTENING LYRICS. Right here on KDRT 95.7FM in Davis, California. Listening Lyrics is a genre free zone - we feature the artist. What makes them do their thing. Listen to the hope and satisfaction in their voices. Listen to what only commercial free community radio can bring you. Close your eyes - open your ears - relax your mind. Join host Pieter Pastoor as he sends color to your ears. Now lets enter, the mother of all that is music and lyrics and the human capability of producing art.
Live Friday 4-5pm
Replays Tuesday 10-11pm, Sunday 12-1pm

Live Tracks

Live Tracks program picture

Live Tracks  frequently airs recordings from local performances here in Davis. LT began broadcasting on Sept. 30, 2004, and has produced 720 original episodes as of August 2024. Best experienced with a lava lamp, cool recreational beverage of choice, and a place to chill out. Peace.

Live Thursday 7-9pm
Replays Saturday 9-11pm

Mapping Healthcare

Mapping Healthcare is a radio show and podcast where a medic with a map explores ways in which people around the globe make the world of healthcare better and what we can learn from them. The host is a UC Davis pediatrician, medical educator, and researcher who leads healthcare improvement efforts to help people access high-quality healthcare and stay healthy. Episodes wrap up with us learning a little bit about the place our guest lives or works in.

Live Friday 5:30-6pm

Meraki Radio

Meraki  [may-rah-kee] (adjective): This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put "something of yourself" into what you're doing, whatever it may be. Meraki Radio tries to live up to the definition of this interesting word. Anyone who wants to get behind the mic and talk about meraki in their own life — whether it be professional, historical, artistic, scientific, prolific, or otherwise — is encouraged to contact the show at


Replays Tuesday 12:30-1pm, Saturday 8-8:30am

NextGen Talks

NextGen Talks  is a youth-driven program that offers a fresh perspective on local politics, featuring interviews with city officials and community leaders. Hosted by Jazmin Garcia, a high school junior with extensive experience in local government, the program highlights issues that matter most to young people, such as public safety, housing, and education. By focusing on the local actions that shape the future for youth, NextGen Talks aims to bridge the gap between young citizens and their city leaders, fostering a more engaged and informed community.

Live Friday 5-5:30pm

Praise Time with Preacher

Praise Time with Preacher

The word "gospel" is derived for the old Anglo-Saxon word meaning “good message” or “good news." Host Preacher believes gospel music is powerful, whether the listener is or is not Christian — that everyone can enjoy listening to gospel because it is uplifting and inspiring, sung with passion and belief from the artist, touching all who hear it in a good and heartfelt way. The aim of Praise Time is to help listeners find what Preacher believes lives in everyone: a good spirit that drives us to be the best we can be.

Live Tuesday 4-5pm
Replays Thursday 11pm-Friday 12am, Sunday 7-8am

Roots, Shoots and Leaves

Roots, Shoots and Leaves' DJ Tree has a theory of music that involves a tree. Suffice it to say that it involves a trinity — an exploration of themes and connections among recording artists — and otherwise very few boundaries. Listen for music old and new, known and unknown. And if you listen long enough, you may experience some musical enlightenment. 

Live Tuesday 6-8pm
Replays Saturday 7-9pm

Silver Nine Volt Heart

silver nine volt heart

Join your host Rodriguez as he swings the gate wide open for a cool musical trip featuring sounds from all points of the compass.  Being mindful that "everything connects to everything else," on Silver Nine Volt Heart  you will find the many colorful threads that make up the tapestry of recorded sound ... just click it on and let the music start. 

Live Thursday 4-6pm
Replays Friday 10pm-Saturday 12am, Saturday 2-4pm

That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Replays Wednesday 12-1pm

The Awesome Patrol Show

Joy, gentle friends! Catch Sara TAPS for your weekly installment of The Awesome Patrol Show — one and a half hours of fresh tunes to boost your spirits.

Think of it like a song "flight" of awesome sounds, ideas, feels!

Sara creates the sets to feel reminiscent of old-school mix-tapes, something she's never stopped making since getting her first double-tape deck in junior high!

Enjoy & InJOY on the dial @ 95.7FM Davis LIVE! Wednesday evenings.


TAPS mantra: Jams up, windows down!

Live Wednesday 6-7:30pm

The Cerealist


The Cerealist curates chilling broadcasts of loud + bizarre soundscapes from an ancient cave bellowing death metal from around the globe, with smoky stage lights on music from American, Swedish, and Norwegian shredders. Tune in every week for 30 brutal minutes of blast-beat heaven!

Live Wednesday 7:30-8pm

The News Cycle

The Davis Senior High School's Blue Devil Hub produce this weekly show for the Davis community. The show dives into issues relevant to students and residents. In addition to KDRT, you can find the show at It is broadcast on 95.7 KDRT at 8 AM on Mondays and noon on Tuesdays.

Replays Monday 5-5:10pm, Tuesday 8-8:10am

The Wild Fox Party


Tune in for a wide variety of roots music — including doo-wop, gospel, jazz, blues, rock 'n' roll, Latin, African, and hillbilly/country bluegrass — from the early 1920s to contemporary times. The Wild Fox Party focuses on vocal groups , small-group ensembles, and outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists who never or hardly ever get heard. The music provides a forum for learning about history and diverse cultures, and it does so through the exposure of music as art, highlighting points in time that will last forever via the medium of audio recordings.

Live Tuesday 10-11am
Replays Wednesday 11pm-Thursday 12am

Twang Thang


Twang Thang features outlaw country old and new, showcasing the folks who sowed the harder-edged musical seeds for what we today call Americana, as well as the newer artists who continue the tunes and outlaw ethos forward. George Jones, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Lucinda Willimans, Steve Earle, Dwight Yoakum, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Billie Jo Shaver ... Americana music didn't just show up one day — it has deep and varied country music roots. Twang Thang explores the originators, the newcomers, and the music that happened along the way!

Live Monday 6-8pm
Replays Wednesday 9-11pm, Sunday 8-10am