The Davis Senior High School's Blue Devil Hub produce this weekly show for the Davis community. The show dives into issues relevant to students and residents. In addition to KDRT, you can find the show at It is broadcast on 95.7 KDRT at 8 AM on Mondays and noon on Tuesdays.

Local Music and Global StagesMon, 02/10/2025 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on celebrating national and local musicians. We sat down with Yuma Kano, pianist and winner of the annual Davis High Concerto Competition this year, who detailed his love for music and playing. Then, Carlos Chavez reports on Watermelon Music Store and how they allow local musicians to shine. Finally, Sam Ochsner-Hembrow covers the Grammys award show and Davis community members’ favorite moments. Hosted and produced by Boyeon Choi. Packages by Carlos Chavez and Sam Ochsner-Hembrow. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jimenez. |
Academic Advancement in the Academic CenterMon, 02/03/2025 - 12:30am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on the programs and services Davis High offers for students. We sat down with Kelly Wehrley who is the head of the English Learner Development classes as DHS. Noah Meyer went down to the academic center to fill us in on what they do for students. Hosted by Alessandra Trask. Produced by Alessandra Trask. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Noah Meyer.
How New Technology Can Lower BarriersMon, 01/27/2025 - 1:00am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on the ability of new technologies to lower barriers to entry in science, art, and sustainability. Elina Hibel spoke to student photographers who run sports photography accounts, and we had a conversation with Michael Corsetto, director of hardware and systems engineering at Advanced.Farm, about how tech has changed engineering. Hosted and produced by Samuel Ochsner-Hembrow. Package by Elina Hibel. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jimenez. |
All About Inauguration DayMon, 01/20/2025 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on the Inauguration Day. We have a conversation with UC Davis Law School professor Kevin Johnson about the Trump administration’s policies, and how they will make an impact domestically and internationally. Then, Alessandra Trask presents an overview of Inauguration Day and its procedural ceremony. Hosted and produced by Boyeon Choi. Package by Alessandra Trask. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jimenez.
New Year, New Goals, Same News CycleMon, 01/13/2025 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassThe News Cycle focuses on New Year’s Resolutions, and recapping the past year of the podcast. First, Dorrie Harland covers students at Davis Senior High who made resolutions, and then we dive back into our year in 2024. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jimenez. Hosted and Produced by Noah Meyer. Executive producers are Noah Meyer and Alessandra Trask. Package by Dorrie Harland. Image: New Year's Resolution lists are made by many people. CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons.
The Holidays Are Here!Mon, 12/23/2024 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on the holiday season and the effects the holidays have on mental health. We sat down with Gloria Petruzzelli, a clinical psychologist at UC Davis to discuss the different ways to deal with stress, and which mechanisms can help control the symptoms of anxieties and stress. Hosted and produced by Boyeon Choi. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. |
Links on the Chain: Davis UnitedMon, 12/16/2024 - 12:30am | DHS Journalism ClassToday on the News Cycle we focus on Unions in and around Davis. We look into how they help their members, and the ways they shape the world around us. Sam Ochsner-Hembrow interviews Faith Bennett, a PHD candidate at UC Davis, about her role in the UAW 4811 bargaining convention. Tyler Price spoke to members of the Davis Teachers Association about how they work for the teachers of Davis. Carlos Chavez Anaya talks with the communications director for the United Farm Workers about how labor unions can protect the most vulnerable in society. Hosted and produced by Sam Ochsner-Hembrow. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Tyler Price and Carlos Chavez Anaya. |
Sitting Down with DHS AlumniMon, 12/09/2024 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassToday The News Cycle focuses on Davis High alumni. We dug deep into what they have been up to and how what they learned at DHS translated into their current lives. Noah Meyer reports on DHS graduates who have carried on their athletics into college. Elina Hibel focuses on students who are now attending college and studying their respective majors. Sneha Budhathoki shares the stories of HUB alumni and their work as career journalists. Hosted and produced by Boyeon Choi. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Noah Meyer, Elina Hibel and Sneha Budhathoki.
Talking Turkey- Thanksgiving Around DavisMon, 11/25/2024 - 1:00am | DHS Journalism ClassThis week on the News Cycle, we focus on Thanksgiving. We spoke with John McNerney, the Ecological Resources Program Manager for the City of Davis about how the city manages the turkey population. Then, Zachary Schroeder sits down with local bakeries to discuss their plans for the holiday rush, and Chase Bruno covers how Target is preparing for the Black Friday sales. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jimenez. Hosted by Boyeon Choi and produced by Sam Ochsner-Hembrow. Executive producers are Noah Meyer and Alessandra Trask. Packages by Zachary Schroeder and Chase Bruno. |
Can't Get Enough of SportsMon, 11/18/2024 - 12:00am | DHS Journalism ClassThis week, the News Cycle focuses on sports. We sat down with Tamara Reed, the varsity cheer coach at Davis High. Then, Lewis Williams talks to the varsity men's basketball team. Suhela covers the women’s basketball team. Music by Daniel Ruiz-Jimenez. Hosted and Produced by Alessandra Trask. Executive producers are Noah Meyer and Alessandra Trask. Packages by Lewis Williams and Suhela Lamba. |
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