KDRT is people-powered, community-supported noncommercial radio. Your gift to KDRT is more than a simple donation; it’s your statement of support for independent voices. So click those Donate buttons today to be part of something that's wonderful and worthy — be sure to check with your employer's giving program to see if they'll offer a match. Beyond the here and now, you can help us keep KDRT's grass roots growing strong by including a bequest to our parent organization, Davis Media Access (TIN 68-0169922), in your will or trust — talk to your estate planner for details, or do it yourself with a simple statement in your will.
Our listeners appreciate the underwriters that support KDRT and our unique, eclectic programming. Underwriting KDRT gives businesses the opportunity to get their message out to an engaged local audience. As our current business supporters can attest, underwriting KDRT is a sound investment. Learn more here.
Have an idea for a public affairs or music show? Want to reach and support your community? To volunteer behind the mic, fill out a KDRT Program Proposal form. To volunteer behind the scenes, shoot us an email!