Mapping Healthcare

Mapping Healthcare is a radio show and podcast where a medic with a map explores ways in which people around the globe make the world of healthcare better and what we can learn from them. The host is a UC Davis pediatrician, medical educator, and researcher who leads local, national, and international healthcare improvement efforts to help people access high-quality healthcare and stay healthy. All past episodes are archived below. Find Mapping Healthcare on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Live Friday 5:30-6pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

1. Keeping Kids S.A.F.E. in England

Communication failures in healthcare can lead to medical errors and patient harm. Hear how huddles moved from the sports field at a college for the deaf and hard of hearing to the world of healthcare. Peter Lachman tells us about S.A.F.E. or Situational Awareness for Everyone, a program that he led for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health at 50 hospitals across England. The program helped medical teams use huddles to improve their communication with each other and with families of children, and kept patients safe from errors in hospitals.

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