Listening Lyrics Dec 27th, 2013 with Moonlit WheatFri, 12/27/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter PastoorMoonlit Wheat was born in a cinderblock cell of a dorm room when Colin found himself fascinated enough with the warm glow of early Mountain Goats records streaming through his computer that he devoted himself to pursuing the captivating witchcraft of songwriting. |
listening Lyrics Dec 20th, 2013 with MIKE DUGANFri, 12/20/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor |
Listening Lyrics Dec 13th, 2013 with XPiRiMiNT "Justin Carson"Fri, 12/13/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor |
Listening Lyrics Dec 6th, 2013 with SPANGLERFri, 12/06/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor |
Listening Lyrics Nov 22nd, 2013 Dallas 50 years agoFri, 11/22/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor |
Listening Lyrics Nov 15th, 2013 with MICK FLANNERYFri, 11/15/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor
Mick Flannery was brought up on a farm outside Blarney, Co. Cork, Ireland. His first real connection to music was watching an unplugged Nirvana coveringBowie’s “The Man Who Sold the World”. After a stint in a music college in Cork, he travelled to the U.S. where he “wandered around for a time.” While there, he entered the U.S. Songwriting Competition in Nashville, Tennessee and, to his surprise, won two top awards for his compositions. |
Listening Lyrics Nov 8th, 2013 with JUSTIN COXFri, 11/08/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor
Justin Cox (from Winters, CA) started playing guitar as a teenager, and went on to front a couple of punk bands (Mr. Nobody and Stenna & the Poison Apples) during high school and college. A writer by trade, he has a deep appreciation for sentence structure and storytelling. His approach to songwriting has been shaped by artists like Jackson Browne and Paul Simon, but his most formative musical years were spent listening to bands like Goldfinger, Against Me! and Fugazi. You can hear this blend in his songs. |
Listening Lyrics Oct 25th, 2013 The DUTCH music sceneFri, 10/25/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor
Listening Lyrics Sep 27th, 2013 with the TREE-OFri, 09/27/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor
Listening Lyrics for Sep 20th, 2013 the ANNIVERSARY showFri, 09/20/2013 - 5:05pm | Pieter Pastoor
Listening Lyrics started in late August 2012 but we are not counting the few first shows (call it the learning curve). A year into the show and with 25 guests interviewed you might say Jeanne and I have found a format we are comfortable with. To put it into perspective we are having a blast. On top of that our guests are given a full hour to share their story and their talent. For me personally its like spending one hour a week on the psychiatrists couch, I leave the studio pumped up and ready for the week-end. Yep, usually head to a watering hole to down a beer or two after the show. |
What can I say; I LOVED THIS SHOW!
Additionally, I'll let you in on a secret, this was the first time that I listened to, not one, but two complete Rap songs -- and enjoyed them. :)
Loved the show and thoroughly enjoyed Cory. Tell him what Michael J Fox once said; "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business." He was excellent.
the October 3rd show was way too short. What a mellow and superbly classy hour that just blew by. Thanks!
Kind words from a kind brother - thank you
Underground Grandpa rocks!!
Thanks ed
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