That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at

Replays Wednesday 12-1pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

That's Life: author Fallon O'Neill

Davis author Fallon O'Neill is today's guest.  He has published two of his  "Geist" trilogy so far -- "Geist: Prelude"  and "Geist: Intermezzo" -- and the third -- "Geist: Scherzo" -- is coming out in 2 weeks (15 Nov 2021).  Fallon is working on the fourth book now; with more expected in the future.  Writing is his life's work.

Another writer who is part of the Blue Moon Thursday Group, Fallon found them in high school and credits that group with encouraging him to write, continue, and improve as an author. 

For more about him and all his books, visit:

UPDATE!!!  Geist: Scherzo has been released!  Here is the Amazon link.

That's Life, That's Water

That's Life. That's Water and Soil!

Understanding our water -- where it comes from , where it goes, how it's used, and by whom -- is a vital to knowing what to expect in the future.  Understanding how our soils were formed and how the various soil types interact with that water is the basis for many of our gardening and farming decisions. 

Davis is in the Sacramento River watershed.  It was either marsh or grasslands before Europeans arrived.  Because we had annual flooding, our rivers and creeks developed natural levees which overtopped each year and deposited gravel, sand, silt, and clay on the surrounding land -- the lighter particles travelling further than the heavier material.  So your yard might be sandy-loam, silty-loam, or clay-loam -- depending on where in the county you live.

Soils and water and other things are part of this episode, talking here to guest Don Shor (of Davis Garden Show fame!) about so many things we don't have time for there.

-- Lois Richter,

That's Life with Scott Evans

Author, retired professor, writing group leader, Davisite -- these are just some of the ways to describe today's guest, Scott Evans.

Whether you're a mystery enthusiast; or interested in litereary giants such as Hemingway, Shakespeare, or Plath; or want to become an author; or just like reading ... there's something for each of you in this show.   

We start talking about the journal Scott edits -- "Blue Moon: Literary & art review";

then shift to his on-going weekly writers' group;

and move on to Scott's new novel "The Caribbean Prisoner";

then back to the beginning with his 'literary' murder mysteries -- "Tragic Flaws", "First Folio", and "Sylvia’s Secrets";

forward again to his intro of some of the writer (now authors!) in the Thursday group;

and finally settle back for a little history of Scott himself.

That's Life: Plants from San Diego

In August 2021, Lois stayed in San Diego (California) for 2 weeks.  Lots of great things there to enjoy, including walking in Balboa Park!  There were many beautiful flowers -- both in the Botanical  House (see photo) and in people's front yards.  After getting back home, Lois asked Don Shor (a plant expert and former resident of San Diego) what each plant was and if she could grow those San Diego flowers here in Davis.  The answer -- as usual -- was "It depends."  In this case, "It depends upon which species it is and whether or not that one can withstand cold."  

We also talked about why there are so many dead tree stumps on the San Diego hillsides and why there were dead orchards and vineyards along the freeway in the southern San Joaquin Valley.


That's Life with David Hosley

David Hosley had led a very full life. Lois could have interviewed him about many many different things and filled up a show -- his long media career (starting at age 12!), being a renowned investigative reporter,  teaching at various colleges and universities, UC administration, managing LOTS of radio and tv stations, producing six documentaries, training journalists in ethics, heading non-profits, talking about the history of migration into California and the challenges of life in the San Joaquin valley, and sharing thoughts on community, economy, social assumptions, and why people work after retirement.  As I say, we COULD have filled up an hour on any of those.  Instead, because we met working together on a project of the Davis Genealogy Club, we started with family history and went from there. 

That's Life in Your Patch with Mary Scheidt

My guest today is Mary Scheidt.  She knows so much and is such a good teacher!  Every visit I learn something new or think about things in a different way.  I hope you have a similar experience.  Today included, exploring, birding, plants, and MAKING A REDWOOD HAPPY!  (That "happier redwood" discussion continued with Don Shor in the next hour -- on the Davis Garden Show for 7/22/21.)

This visit we talked about getting to know "your patch" --  your yard, your neighborhood, your region, your climate and ecosystem.  Lois introduced a "hypothetical new birder" to the joys of bird life by setting up a hummingbird feeder and becoming fascinated with those beautiful little friends.  Then we consider how to learn more as you get involved with the hummers lives.  One easy next step if you want to expand your horizons -- a birdbath!   

That's Life with Rescue Dog Walking

They started out as a small rescue shelter in southern California.  Well, those rescue-dogs neeed exercize and socializing and there were LOTS more dogs than peope.  So these creative people teamed up with AirBnB to "rent" a walk with one of the dogs.  Win-win-win!  People get some canine time, the dogs get out and about, and the shelter gets donations to keep going.  (By the way, AirBnB donates there services to make reservations for the dog-wlks.)

These folks then started a second project -- a spay and neuter clinic.  The clinic has gone dark during the pandemic, but they hope to start back up soon and even expand next year.

The third project -- and the one I heard about originally -- is "Free Animal Doctor" which uses crowd-sourcing to raise money for animals that need surgery or other medical procedures.  The ANIMAL is being funded, not the animal's 'owner'; meaning the money raised is sent directly to the vet or hospital to pay for the procedure and none of it is ever sent to he owner (which makes fraud improbable).  These people change lives --  over 90% of the campaigns are successful.

Today's interview with Ryan explains a lot about what the non-profit does and  how they do it.   To see the animals, check out .

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I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)

-- Arielle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 1:16pm

I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:42am

Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 10:31am

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