Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.
To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.
Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at https://BirdingWithLois.global

That's Life for Freddie Oakley in 2019Thu, 03/18/2021 - 11:00am | Lois RichterDo you remember when Freddie Oakley was our Elections official for Yolo County? She has done so much more than that! I've know Freddie for many years, interviewed her here several times, had her as a guest on my television series back in the 1990s, and she even hosted that show once ("Thoughtfulness" on DCTV). Today on That's Life, we reminisce about the old days (good old days? bad old days?) and hear what Freddie has been doing since she retired. Retired? HAH! Busier than ever is more like it! Hope you enjoy the chat. |
That's AM Gold with rock-n-rollThu, 03/11/2021 - 11:00am | Lois RichterThat's Life today features a variety of Rock-n-Roll songs from CDs in the "AM Gold" series. There's lots more where this came from! Let the good times roll ... |
That's Songs Without Words by SchapflWed, 03/03/2021 - 1:30pm | Lois RichterNikolaus Schapfl is a world-renowned German pianist and composer. A performance of his "Songs Without Words" was captured to CD in 2009. This week's "That's Life" features the full contents of his work. Videos of some of those performances are available at http://www.nikolausschapfl.com/musicroom/videos.php
That's Life: Anne Murray -- The Best So FarThu, 02/25/2021 - 11:00am | Lois RichterToday on "That's Life" we're celebrating singer Anne Murray with ballads off her CD "The Best So Far" -- from EMI Music (Canada) and EMI Records (NY), 1997.
That's Lisa HendersonThu, 02/11/2021 - 1:00pm | Lois RichterLisa Henderson is a dynamo! She is always very busy, yet never too busy to help if help is needed. Lois and Lisa have worked together on many genealogy activities -- Davis Genealogy Club presentations (and now zoom meetings), the DGC website, IGGC (the International German Genealogy Conference) in 2019 and other events. We have also shared some just-for-fun times. This episode of "That's Life" was recorded during the pandemic (summer of 2020) and does not have current announcements. History! It's all HISTORY !! (Family history, that is.) Enjoy! |
That's for the birds with Mary ScheidtThu, 01/28/2021 - 2:10pm | Lois RichterREPLAY about birds (from 3 January 2019) today on "That's Life". Listen to this program at: https://kdrt.org/audio/thats-natural-mary-and-lois |
That's Greg McPherson and Tree DavisThu, 01/21/2021 - 1:00pm | Lois RichterTrees are a passion for Greg McPherson. He is a retired Research Forester with the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station in Davis, CA and serves on the Board of Directors for the local nonprofit Tree Davis. |
That's AWEsome Allen KleinThu, 01/14/2021 - 1:00pm | Lois Richter"THE AWE FACTOR: How a Little Bit of Wonder Can Make a Big Difference in Your LIfe" by Allen Klein is the topic of this week's chat on "That's Life". A well known author with a new book, Allen Klein chats with Lois about AWE -- awe-some, awe-ful, awe-inspiring and lots of other words and ideas. These long-time friends remember earlier connections and discuss how things change and what stays the same. Philosophy? maybe. Humor? certainly. Clown noses? ABSOLUTELY! Hope you enjoy this show. |
That's DCTV, SCA, and Sharla HardyThu, 01/07/2021 - 1:00pm | Lois RichterToday on "That's Life", Lois and Sharla Hardy talk about DCTV, SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), brother Jim, art, history, and shared experiences. "Don't mix ammonia with clorox!" If you watched any of Lois' DCTV productions (from 1992 thru 2003), you saw some wonderful camera work by Sharla Hardy. She was part of the repetoire crew that helped me produced many shows and several series -- mostly running a camera, but occasionally on as a guest. Our last series was "Thoughtfulness" -- an eclectic production that ran weekly for several years. (Sort of like this radio program, but with moving images!) Sharla has been my friend for over 20 years and I thought it was time to catch up with her; so I'm doing that now and you're invited to listen in on our chat!
That's Music for ChristmasThu, 12/17/2020 - 2:10pm | Lois Richter(This program was played for three weeks -- 12/17, 12/24, and 12/31/20 -- for a winter break.) Seasonal music from CDs donated to a KDRT fundraiser and gotten by Lois afterward to use in December shows. We start with "Omnis mundus jocundetur" performed by Choir of East Helsinki Music Institute (on YliesRadio) and "Traditional carols from the Tatras Mountains" performed by Jan Karpiel Group (on Polish Radio). Both are off the CD "Music for Christmas: A concert of festive music from around Europe" (a BBC special compilation CD of live or radio performances -- 25 songs, with only 2 sung in English.) |
I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)
-- Arielle
I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.
Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]
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