The Big Poppies on stage at Armadillo Music for 2nd Friday ArtAbout, June 9
Fri, 06/09/2017 - 6:16pm | Pieter PastoorArmadillo Photo.jpeg
The BIG POPPIES appear at Armadillo Music for the KDRT Second Friday ArtAbout, June 9at 6:30PM.The show will be broadcast live. Bio-dishing out grooves all along the west coast, The Big Poppies and their punch-pop blues have enthralled listeners and fans for years. Hailing from Yolo County, TBP deliver crunchy guitar riffs, sizzling solos, rumbling beats, moving your soul with tunes unique yet familiar. The Big Poppies are Ryan McBride,vocals/harmonica/guitar; Max Van Dyke, vocals/lead guitar; Ari Schwartz, bass/backing vocals; and Carlos Figueroa, drums. This show will stream live on KDRT for those outside the listening area. Locals, come on down!