Uploading Audio to the website
Tue, 02/14/2012 - 1:14pm | Jeff ShawExport your radio show to a mp3 file. Select 128kbps bitrate, 44100, stereo. Login to kdrt.org Go to "Content Management" -> "Content" -> "Add audio" ( http://www.kdrt.org/node/add/audio ) Do NOT select the name of the program. It will not work when you first add the audio (see below) Give the audio a title. "Radio Show Title plus date of show" works well for audio archives Where is says: "Add a new audio file: " Do what is says: "Click "Browse..." to select an audio file to upload. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: mp3 wav ogg." Fill out any other info you want to. Click the "Preview" button at the bottom. A warning will come up stating you are missing the "artist" and "album title" metadata. Feel those in (the boxes to input this input is outlined in red.) Your djname and show title are good options for these. Click the "save" button at the bottom. =========STAFF (jeff, craig, bill Buchanan ) will have to do this ============== Go to "Content Management" -> "Content" Choose "edit" for the audio was just created. Choose your radio show from the dropdown list. Click save at the bottom.