
Listening Lyrics - Exploring Thanksgiving through Enabling and Music

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This week LISTENING LYRICS will offer some songs exploring thanksgiving through enabling.
My special guest will be Jack Edwards.
Aside from talking about his Peace Corps experience Jack will talk about his real passion the last number of years. Since his retirement from Cummins Jack has developed a career volunteering for an amazing social entrepreneurship non-profit called Ashoka. With this group he’s been traveling the breadth of Latin America evaluating potential social entrepreneurs for viability to then assist financially and with the necessary and continuing ‘underpinnings’ to ensure that, once begun, a newly formed business will be successful. Should be a fascinating discussion; personally, I see it as a great way to for all of us to enter the Thanksgiving weekend.

The Golden Road's 2012 Grateful Dead Trivia Contest

Hiya K-DIRT Listeners!

The Golden Road is feeling mighty broadcast a weekly show featuring the music of the Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia and the sounds of Northern California is a wonderful opportunity. Since the month of November holds many fond memories for me, each broadcast of The Golden Road for Novemeber 2012 features music recorded live IN November! And since i'm feeling so thankful, and Thanksgiving IS right around the corner, I would like to host a little trivia contest.

The lucky winner will receive the 3 disc official vault release, "Grateful Dead Road Trips, Volume 4, Number 3 Live from Denver, Colorado". This excellent release was recorded live on November 20 & 21, 1973.

Here are the questions:

1. The song "Bertha" is about an appliance. What kind?

2. Phil Lesh once said, "It is safe to say that if we all had one wish, it would be that....". What was the one thing Phil wished for?

3. The Grateful Dead played more shows in a legendary San Francisco music venue than any other. What was the name of the venue?

LISTENING LYRICS Alternative Country (for those who hate country)

Wed. 11/14/12 at 2:00 PM
Country music has evolved in many directions. This weeks LISTENING LYRICS takes a look at the ALTERNATIVE COUNTRY scene. Within this genre lies a rich and awesome collection of singer song writers.[img_assist|nid=10754|title=ALTERnative Country|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=95]

Listening Lyrics - Exploring the talents of STING / October 24, 2012

This week Listening Lyrics will explore the lyrics and music of Sting.
The play list will include several covers from the jazz genre of Stings music along with Sting teaming up with some of todays best talents.
Sting has varied his musical style throughout his career, incorporating distinct elements of jazz, reggae, classical, New Age, and worldbeat into his music. Sting has received 16 Grammy Awards for his work.
I am pumped up to share his story and music with you.
The show airs WED. OCTOBER 24, 2012 at 2:00PM

The Eclectic Dinosaur Meets The Grapevine

This Wednesday, October 17th, the legendary "Walkin' Talkin' Rockin'" Lee of KDRT's Eclectic Dinosaur show...joins me in the 'Dirt studio for an hour of old time Rock 'n Roll, the Blues and even a touch of Doo-Wop on The Grapevine. This will be our 3rd joint broadcast together and there's no telling where the highway will lead this time! Additionally, we are going to do our best to play nothing but good, old vinyl.

Check it out at:

