Listening Lyrics

Welcome to an hour of LISTENING LYRICS. Right here on KDRT 95.7FM in Davis, California. Listening Lyrics is a genre free zone - we feature the artist. What makes them do their thing. Listen to the hope and satisfaction in their voices. Listen to what only commercial free community radio can bring you. Close your eyes - open your ears - relax your mind. Join host Pieter Pastoor as he sends color to your ears. Now lets enter, the mother of all that is music and lyrics and the human capability of producing art.
Replays Tuesday 10-11pm, Sunday 12-1pm
Live Friday 4-5pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Jacob Johnson & Henry Humphrey of Cowboys After Dark, on Listening Lyrics, March 22, 2024

Jacob Johnson and Henry Humphrey of Cowboys After Dark share their thoughts on how music is a language that is universally understood. These two gifted musicians can also articulate what they mean using the common language we know as English.

Jacob and Henry treated us by playing a couple of songs live on the air. Jacob allowed Listening Lyrics to debut "Fungus Funk," an original song from an upcoming rap/funk album aimed at communicating science (especially ecology) to middle- and high-school students and the general public.

Max Van Dyke & Julian Dean talk and sing music, on Listening Lyrics, March 15, 2024

The Big Poppies keep transitioning themselves into an extremely talented and tight band. Members Max Van Dyke and Julian Dean, who occasionally perform as a duo, talk about both the band and themselves as a duo in this episode of Listening Lyrics. During the show they share a cut from an upcoming album. I was blown away by it.

Listen for a glimpse into the sound of the Big Poppies.

Caden Velasquez introduces us to rave concerts and the DJ, on Listening Lyrics, March 1, 2024

Caden Velasquez is one of the founders (and driving force) of the Davis Rave Company (DRC). He joined Listening Lyrics this week to introduce us to the organization and to look into the underlying goals of a rave concert. In the DRC's words:

"Davis Rave Co. emerged from a rich culture of people who wanted to push the boundaries at the intersection of creative expression and live music. With both ambition and the willingness to adapt, DRC grew to become a full-service creative agency offering artist representation, event production, creative installation consulting, music recording, and so much more. The potential for creative expression is astronomical when ambitious and talented people unite."

Caden picked some tunes to analyze and enjoy. Listen in.

Lost but Found Guitars, on Listening Lyrics, Feb. 23, 2024

It's not unusual for musicians' guitars to be lost or stolen. When the theft or loss involves a famous musician, it becomes "a story."

That is what today's Listening Lyrics is about -- six lost-but-found guitars owned by Zakk Wylde, Peter Frampton, Jimmy Page, Joe Perry, Bill Corgan and Paul McCartney. Each has a fantastc journey.

Joel Daniel, house concerts made easy, on Listening Lyrics, Feb. 16, 2024

Joel Daniel and special guest Alex Jordan discuss how an app like SonicMixer could be a game-changer in live music.

Musicians (artists) are caught between streaming services and the corporatization of music venues. In this episode of Listening Lyrics, Joel discusses an app that works like Airbnb for house shows.

It is extremely difficult for a start-up band (or even an established one) to get a show and cut their teeth. Venues are tough to crack, but houses are abundant and could be used for house shows more than they are. 

The app is easy to use and it works. Joel helped to launch it in Austin last November. In the show he talks about how to get more potential hosts to open their homes to the idea. 

Listening Lyrics' farewell show, Feb. 10, 2023

I thought a farewell show would be one with mixed emotions.

Not so, the guests as usual made it such a great hour. 

Thank you to all the hundreds of musicians who have shared their talents with me and the audience. 

Ten-plus years of weekly Friday shows has been such a wonderful gift to me and Jeanne. Each moment is a treasure.

Thank you Jess Kelly, Nat lefkof and The Raquetbangers (Robert Polon, Timur Katsnelson) for sharing this final episode with me.

Finally, a huge thank you to my co-host and wife for all of her support and love.

Pieter Pastoor

The Lyrics, on Listening Lyrics, Feb. 3, 2023

Oh this one is bittersweet. It's the second-to-last Listening Lyrics, and the last one with just myself in the studio. Next week's show will have plenty of guests, but I opted to do this alone. 

I'm playing songs with lyrics that explain a feeling, with several local groups represented. They include Nat Lefkoff, Boot Juice, Bad Mother Nature, The Gold Souls, and Adrian West.

Celebrating Jerry Moss, on Listening Lyrics, Recorded Jan. 20, 2023

On Jan. 14, 2023, the Music Center (link is external)in Los Angeles had a celebration concert to honor Jerry Moss. Many artists participated, and today's Listening Lyrics  plays some of their music.

In 1960, Moss moved from New York to Los Angeles, where he teamed up with Herb Alpert,(link is external) forming Carnival Records in 1962 and running the company from an office in Alpert's garage. Discovering that the name was already taken, they dubbed their new company A&M Records.

In 1987, Moss and Alpert sold A&M to PolyGram Records for a reported $500 million. Both continued to manage the label until 1993, when they left because of frustrations with PolyGram's constant pressure to force the label to fit into its corporate culture. In 1998, Alpert and Moss sued PolyGram for breach of the integrity clause, eventually settling for an additional $200 million.

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What can I say; I LOVED THIS SHOW!

Additionally, I'll let you in on a secret, this was the first time that I listened to, not one, but two complete Rap songs -- and enjoyed them. :)


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 7:01am

Loved the show and thoroughly enjoyed Cory. Tell him what Michael J Fox once said; "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business."  He was excellent.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 02/01/2013 - 5:07pm

the October 3rd show was way too short. What a mellow and superbly classy hour that just blew by. Thanks!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 2:58pm

Kind words from a kind brother - thank you

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 8:33pm

Underground Grandpa rocks!!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:40pm

Thanks ed

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 5:35pm

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