In a time of physical distancing, access to local news and information became more important than ever. Autumn Labbe-Renault went live on the air with the "Covid-19 Community Report" on March 20, 2020, and remained on the air through April 2021, producing 62 episodes and interviewing close to 100 people during a time of unprecedented public health crisis. Please scroll down below this description for the archives of all previous 62 episodes available to stream.

COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 8 - Speaking with Supervisor Provenza about Yolo Community Relief Fund and Davis Mayor Brett LeeFri, 04/10/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultEpisode 8 provides a view into COVID-19 responses from both the county and city, as host Autumn Labbe-Renault interviews Yolo County Supervisor for District 4, Jim Provenza at 12:05 pm, and Davis Mayor Brett Lee at 12:20 pm. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 7: Speaking With Davis Teacher's Association on Distance Learning and Winters' City Council on Apr 7th, 2020Tue, 04/07/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultFor Episode 7, guests include Victor Lagunes, President of the Davis Teacher's Association, and Jesse Loren, Winters City Councilmember. We hear about how Davis teachers have been working hard behind-the-scenes as the Davis Joint Unified School District ramps up to launch online instruction next week, and also discuss the recent narrow passage of Measure G. From Councilmember Loren, we hear how our neighbors to the west in Winters are faring as their small businesses, restaurants, wineries/breweries adapt to the shelter-in-place directive. Several wonderful creative partnerships have evolved such as Yolo Food Bank getting delivery support from the experienced Yolobus drivers, and a new "pick up" partnership between Steady Eddy's coffee and Turkcovich Family Winery, to name a few. Tune in live at noon on Tuesdays and Fridays at KDRT 95.7FM or here on, and catch replays Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 pm. and Sundays at noon. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 6: Speaking with Congressman John Garamendi - Apr 3rd, 2020Fri, 04/03/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 6 we spoke to Congressman John Garamendi, D-CA, from the 3rd Congressional District who shared his firsthand experience and perspectives from inside the Beltway. We focused our discussion on detailing the economic stimulus package recently passed by Congress that addresses various aspects of economic fallout that so many are experiencing. What will the fallout be for local governments, small businesses, nonprofits, renters, and more? Listeners were invited to contact his offices with questions. Garamendi represents the 3rd Congressional District in California, including Colusa, Sutter, and Yuba counties plus most of Glenn, Lake, Solano, and Yolo counties, and a portion of Sacramento County. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 5 March 31, 2020 - A Look at Local Nonprofits and Small BusinessesTue, 03/31/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 5, we continue speaking with people in Yolo County who are affected by or working to address the impacts of the virus and Shelter-in-Place. To listen now, click on the title above. First we speak with Jessica Hubbard, executive director of the Yolo Community Foundation. We'll begin to get a sense of the challenges facing nonprofit organizations, and the ways that local government, business and foundations are working to help. They are currently working on a 3-pronged approach: providing technical support for nonprofits applying for assistance, educating our residents about what local nonprofits are needing, what they are doing, and how to donate, and finally, working to coordinate the involvement of large donors to the Community Action Fund. |
COVID-19 Community Report- Episode 4 Mar 27th, 2020 - A County Level ViewFri, 03/27/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 4 (link to stream) the focus is on Yolo County. What resources funnel down from state and federal government to counties? What roles do our Yolo County supervisors play in the current situation? What kinds of questions are they fielding? We begin with Yolo County Supervisor for District 2, Don Saylor and later talk with Dr. Mary Ann Limbos, deputy Public Health Officer. Don Saylor detailed some of the extended efforts provided this past week by the Yolo Food Bank that has served over 3,600 residents through home delivery to 1,536 households via 180 volunteers! |
COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 3 - Mar 24th, 2020 Includes Chats with Davis Poet Laureate and Yolo County LibraryTue, 03/24/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 3 we chat with Davis Poet James Lee Jobe, and Elizabeth Gray of the Yolo County Library. Especially in times like this, we need some reflective moments and diversions! Learn about Jobe's virtual offerings at this time, and hear about the Library's e-reader program and other services. For a listing of a variety of local services and information updated after each show, link to the COVID-19 Community Resource List. Please post any suggestions in the comments section at COVID-19 Community Report show page. |
COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 2 - March 20, 2020Fri, 03/20/2020 - 1:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 2 - March 20, 2020 - we heard from Superintendent John Bowes of the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD), and visited with community organizer Kate Mellon-Anibaba, founder of the incredibly active Covid-19 Yolo Community Response Group on Facebook. Click on title above to stream this episode. Superintendent Bowes reported DJUSD is actively working on both short and long-term strategies to provide home-learning instruction online. These two phases of instruction will be posted later today on the DJUSD website, social media page, and sent via email. The issue of the digital divide and equity is being addressed by working to provide Chromebooks and internet access to those in need. Also discussed were how the school meets and does business during this time, which Bowes called "a paradigm shift." |
COVID-19 Community Report - Episode 1 - March 17, 2020Tue, 03/17/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultThis is the first episode of a show that will be a mix of community updates, local information, and call-ins from elected officials, community activists, and other leaders. Our first guest was Davis City Councilmember Lucas Frerichs, who provided us with updates from the Davis City Council, including information about tonight’s emergency meeting. Click on the post title above to stream today's show. Resources mentioned today include: |
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