In a time of physical distancing, access to local news and information became more important than ever. Autumn Labbe-Renault went live on the air with the "Covid-19 Community Report" on March 20, 2020, and remained on the air through April 2021, producing 62 episodes and interviewing close to 100 people during a time of unprecedented public health crisis. Please scroll down below this description for the archives of all previous 62 episodes available to stream.

COVID-19 Community Report Episode 18: A Visit with County Supervisor Gary Sandy and Wendi Counta from Progress Ranch - May 15, 2020Fri, 05/15/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultOn Episode 18, we talk with Gary Sandy, Yolo County Supervisor for District 3, and chair of the Board of Supervisors. We also hear from Wendi Counta, Executive Director of Progress Ranch, which operates two group homes for boys here in Davis. We'll learn how they are weathering the storm, and also ways the community can help the carry out their mission. Supervisor Sandy talked a bit about the importance of testing and contact tracing as an integral part of the County's longterm strategy for progressing through the stages of re-opening. Training for contact tracing continues. The discussion also addressed how the City of Woodland was doing and highlighted the large percentage of "Mom and Pop" businesses that keep Woodland vibrant, and how difficult the last two months have been, while so many are working hard to re-invent the way they provide services. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 17: Talking with Davis City Councilmember Dan Carson - May 12, 2020Tue, 05/12/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIt's no secret that municipalities will be among those hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, as revenues from several major sources dry up or slow to a trickle. My guest on Tuesday's show is Davis City Councilmember Dan Carson. Elected to the Council in 2018 and currently serving his first term, Dan ran on a platform of being real about finances and financial realities. We talk about the challenges the City faces, and get his insights into the process. For more information the City of Davis has launched a new webpage regarding COVID-19 related responses and conditions. The show airs live at noon on KDRT 95.7 FM and #communityradio #communitymedia #municipalfinance #lifeinthetimeofcovid #DavisCA #YoloCounty |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 16: Checking in with CA State Senator Dodd and the Roadmap to Recovery - May 8, 2020Fri, 05/08/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultThis week we talk with Senator Bill Dodd, who represents California's 3rd Senate District, which includes Yolo County as well as all or portions of Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento and Contra Costa counties. We talk about California's Roadmap to Recovery, and discuss how we move forward from here. Our discussion touched briefly on (1) the state budget and future of post-COVID-19 education funding, (2) issues regarding the COVID-19 testing and case statistics in relation to phases of local economic recovery activites, and (3) addressing the risks and costs associated with past and future wildfire prevention, fighting and recovery. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 15: Updates from Davis Mayor Brett Lee and the Yolo Community Foundation- May 5, 2020Tue, 05/05/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultThe impacts of COVID-19 sharply impact cities, and still there are things like municipal measures (such as MeasureJ/R) and local elections to consider. We talk about that and more with Davis Mayor Brett Lee. Today's conversation included an overview of how the pandemic is impacting the city's budget as it prepares for a new fiscal year starting July 1, 2020. We also heard from Jessica Hubbard of Yolo Community Foundation about this week's local giving program #BDOG2020 for the Big Day of Giving, which is this Thursday, May 7, and the foundation's donor engagement program. The Yolo Community Foundation is spearheading an effort to raise awareness and funding for our region's hard-working nonprofit organizations with the Yolo COVID-19 Relief Initiative. This initiative is made possible through the partnerships with Yolo County and the cities of Davis, West Sacramento, Winters and Woodland. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 14: Updates From Congressman John Garamendi - May 1, 2020Fri, 05/01/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultToday, May 1st, we're pleased to welcome Congressman John Garamendi back to the show. We last spoke with him on April 3, as Congress was passing its first stimulus bill. On April 21, Congressman Garamendi introduced legislation called the UNITE Act (Undertaking National Initiatives to Tackle Epidemics). This bill would mobilize experienced existing organizations such as AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and FEMA volunteers to support public health responders with COVID-19 contact tracing and testing. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 13: Discussing Current Challenges with Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance and Cool Davis - Apr 28th, 2020Tue, 04/28/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultEpisode 13 features two rock stars of the local nonprofit scene: Sheila Allen of Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance, and Chris Granger of Cool Davis. What challenges is each organization and its constituent population facing? How are they meeting those challenges now, and how will those challenges change as we begin to plan for an uncertain future? One of the new programs launched this month by Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance is Phone Friends for Seniors. They match seniors who would like to receive check-in phone calls with volunteers who can also assist with linking to services such as food/meal and prescription medication deliveries, and provide an important chance for social contact. Over the past 10 years, their network of organizations and service providers for local seniors has grown to 97! |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 12: Speaking with the Davis Downtown Business Assn. and Sandy Holman of The Culture CO-OP on Apr 24th, 2020Fri, 04/24/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultMy guests on today's show are Brett Marasca, executive director of Davis Downtown; and Sandy Holman of The Culture CO-OP, discussing their new documentary, "The Cost of Darkness." We'll be talking about economic stimulus for downtown businesses, and the systemic structural inequality that has left communities of color much more vulnerable to the virus, respectively. Called the Gifting Stimulus Program, the Davis Downtown Business Association (DDBA) recently launched this program to infuse $100,000 into our city's core - its downtown. Using this link, you can choose businesses you'd like to support and your gift card purchase amount will be matched by the DDBA gifting program. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 11: A Talk with Sutter Davis Hospital CEO and the Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network on Apr 21st, 2020Tue, 04/21/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultOn Tuesday's Episode 11, we'll find out what it's like to run our community's largest health care provider in a conversation with Rachael McKinney, CEO of Sutter Davis Hospital. We'll also chat with David Lichtenhan, of Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN), which recently launched the ApoYolo Project to support immigrant families in Yolo County during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hear about the large-scale daily communication network that Sutter Davis Hospital is involved with, their infectious disease preparation timeline, and their ongoing adaptations to keep all safe and still be available to the community via their tele-medicine program and other resources available on their website. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 10: Talking with Yolo County Housing and Empower Yolo - April 17, 2020Fri, 04/17/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultWe've been shining a light this week on the ways our region is helping some of the most vulnerable of our residents. On Tuesday 4/14 we talked about food insecurity and mental health. Today we’re talking about public housing, and domestic violence. Not light topics, but still extremely important to address right now. While sheltering in place is hard on everyone, there are some situations it disproportionately exacerbates. My guests on Friday's show are Lisa Baker, CEO of Yolo County Housing, and Bridgette Guerra, Legal Advocate at Empower Yolo. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 9: Local Efforts with the Yolo Food Bank and a Focus on Mental Health - April 14, 2020Tue, 04/14/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultEpisode 9 of the COVID-19 Community Report includes guests Michael Bisch, Executive Director for the Yolo Food Bank, and Karen Larsen, Director of Yolo County's Health and Human Services Agency. Michael Bisch spoke of the extraordinary work of his staff and over 500 volunteers who work with daily distribution, packing, and 5000 daily home deliveries , all accomplished while maintaining appropriate social distancing! More volunteers are currently needed and are encouraged to visit the Yolo Food Bank website. |
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