Episode 9 of the COVID-19 Community Report includes guests Michael Bisch, Executive Director for the Yolo Food Bank, and Karen Larsen, Director of Yolo County's Health and Human Services Agency.
Michael Bisch spoke of the extraordinary work of his staff and over 500 volunteers who work with daily distribution, packing, and 5000 daily home deliveries , all accomplished while maintaining appropriate social distancing! More volunteers are currently needed and are encouraged to visit the Yolo Food Bank website.
Karen Larsen, spoke about the importance of maintaining contact with supportive relationships, exercising at least 60 minutes per day, keeping a regular sleep routine, focus on healthful eating/drinking and taking a "break from the constant stream of news". The Yolo County Mental Crisis Line phone is 888-965-6647.
This show airs live at noon on Tuesdays and Fridays, and repeats at 5 pm both days, and at noon on Sundays. You can also listen online at kdrt.org.
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