In a time of physical distancing, access to local news and information became more important than ever. Autumn Labbe-Renault went live on the air with the "Covid-19 Community Report" on March 20, 2020, and remained on the air through April 2021, producing 62 episodes and interviewing close to 100 people during a time of unprecedented public health crisis. Please scroll down below this description for the archives of all previous 62 episodes available to stream.

COVID-19 Community Report Episode 28: Speaking with Yolo County Information Officer Jenny Tan and Emily Henderson from Acme Theatre Co. - Jul 14th, 2020Tue, 07/14/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultToday's first guest is Jenny Tan, Public Information Officer for Yolo County. Many may know Jenny from her weekday "Daily Briefing" live video updates on the county's Facebook page. We talk about her evolving role, and she updates us with the latest news on the numbers within Yolo County, including hospital beds, testing sites, and recent changes to the county's public health orders. Throughout the pandemic, Jenny has been an extremely helpful resource for the latest COVID-19 information locally, as well as helping this show to continue to book interviews with public health professionals. My second guest is Emily Henderson, the Artistic Director for Acme Theatre Company. We'll hear how this student-run theatre company has pivoted in the time of COVID, as well as current offerings and opportunities, such as forthcoming livestream show "Dear Harvey." |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 27: A Visit with Rev. Beth Banks from the Unitarian Universalist Church of DavisTue, 07/07/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultI've interviewed nearly 50 people since I started this show in March. I've had two goals: provide important local and regional public health news, and weave together a narrative about how the pandemic is affecting people across Yolo County. Ministers are called to provide pastoral care to others and even in the best of times, it's a heavy emotional lift. These are not the best of times, and I want to hear firsthand how one local church is coping. This week, I speak with Rev. Elizabeth "Beth" Banks, the senior minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis. We'll chat about the decision to close the church campus and remain closed at this time; the joys and challenges of church life on Zoom; the intersection of COVID-19 and social and political unrest, and how her faith views this moment in time. PC: Rev. Banks with Uniting for Racial Justice members, UU Church of Davis. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 26: Speaking with Dr. Koen Van Rompay - Virologist and Humanitarian - June 30, 2020Tue, 06/30/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultYou can know someone for a while, and still not understand their depth and brilliance, or their contributions to the world. I had the pleasure today of interviewing Dr. Koen Van Rompay, whom I first met many years ago when he attended a meeting of Soroptimist International of Davis to talk about his work with Sahaya International. Over time I learned about his groundbreaking work helping to develop and test the anti-viral drug Tenofovir, used in the prevention and treatment of HIV. He is a virologist at the California National Primate Research Center at UC Davis, with expertise in nonhuman primate models of viral infections, and is currently working toward a vaccine for coronavirus. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 25: Wherein I Turn the Tables - June 23, 2020Tue, 06/23/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultI got to turn the tables on some wonderful folks today, all while learning about the impacts of COVID-19 on their community involvement and professional work. Guests Lois Richter and Don Shor are very familiar with speaking on the radio as the co-hosts of the "Davis Garden Show," which they've produced together for 15 years (Live on KDRT Thursdays at Noon PST). Today, they reversed their roles from "host to guest" and spoke about how they've been spending their time and creating their shows during the last 100 days of Shelter in Place (they are some of the KDRT hosts who have incorporated a variety of tools in order to record their shows from home). Don is also the owner of Redwood Barn Nursery, and talked about his experiences there. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 24: Talking Public Health and Reopening in Yolo County, and Then Some Poetry on June 16, 2020Tue, 06/16/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultWith reopening and its attendant risks firmly in mind, we take a deep dive into public health again with Dr. Mary Ann Limbos of Yolo County Public Health. Then we hear from a doctor of a different sort, Dr. Andy Jones, who has taught writing classes at UC Davis since 1990. With Dr. Mary Ann Limbos we ask what kinds of numbers are we seeing statewide, and here in Yolo County? What kinds of metrics does the County keep a close eye on, and what would be the tipping point for closing down again? In a difficult situation during an unprecedented time, Dr. Limbos is our foremost source of information here in Yolo County. |
COVID-19 Community Report for Episode 23: Honoring George Floyd + Don Saylor and Dawn Myers - June 9, 2020Tue, 06/09/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultEpisode 23 (June 9, 2020) began with a brief message honoring the life of George Floyd on the day of his funeral. More than 165 community stations across the country aired the tribute, which followed Sam Cooke's iconic song "A Change is Gonna Come." The effort was organized by the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, of which KDRT is a member. Following that, guests included Yolo County Supervisor for District 2 Don Saylor, and Yolo Adult Day Health Center Program Director Dawn Myers. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 22: Updates from DJUSD with Dr. Cindy Pickett and Immigrant Advocacy with Anoosh Jorjorian - June 2, 2020Tue, 06/02/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultOn Episode 22, we're joined by Dr. Cindy Pickett to talk about how the Davis school district and families, faculty, and its administration have weathered the past few months. We will also speak with Anoosh Jorjorian, a project coordinator with the Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network -- a group serving and advocating for immigrants in Yolo County. For three years, Dr. Pickett has served as the associate vice provost for Faculty Equity and Inclusion at UC Davis, and has been a faculty member in the Department of Psychology. She also serves as the president of the Davis Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees. In its planning for fall classes, the district is focusing on strategies that can be flexible and can move back and forth between in-person learning and online teaching, depending on guidelines provided by a variety of state agencies and Yolo County. Click here to view upcoming and past school board meetings via, and to provide public comments for the meeting, email Back in April, I interviewed then-YIIN President David Lichtenhan about their ApoYolo Project. Today, Anoosh Jorjorian joins me to talk about the project's milestones and current needs. They need bilingual volunteers to work directly with families in Davis, and can also use general volunteers to help with administrative and social media work (they do not need to be bilingual). Here's where you can sign up to volunteer. Contact them via their website for information at #communitymedia #community radio #YoloCounty #covid19 |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 21: Interviews with Ryan Collins Coordinating Homeless Services and Davis Enterprise Editor Sebastian Onate -May 26th, 2020Tue, 05/26/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 21 we speak with Ryan Collins, City of Davis' Homeless Outreach Services Coordinator and with Sebatian Onate, editor of the Davis Enterprise. Both are involved with very essential services and face unique challenges during the conoravirus pandemic. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 20: Speaking with UC Davis One Health Institute's Dr. Jonna Mazet - UCD Research Tackling Global Infectious Disease ChallengesFri, 05/22/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultIn Episode 20 we talk with Dr. Jonna Mazet and gain an insightful peek into the world of #virushunters. Mazet is an epidemiologist and Executive Director of the University of California, Davis One Health Institute. She is a professor of Epidemiology and Disease Ecology at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, where she focuses on global health problem solving, especially for emerging infectious disease and conservation challenges. Mazet is a leader in the field of One Health and is active in international research programs, most notably in relation to disease transmission among wildlife, domestic animals, and people and the ecological drivers of disease emergence. |
COVID-19 Community Report Episode 19: Speaking with Anne-Marie Flynn of Mutual Housing CA and Gina Daleiden from First 5 YoloTue, 05/19/2020 - 12:40pm | Autumn Labbe-RenaultEpisode 19 of the COVID-19 Report highlights the work of two local nonprofit/community leader rock stars - Anne-Marie Flynn, Outreach Development Coordinator for Mutual Housing California, and Gina Daleiden, Executive Director of First 5 Yolo. Both organizations serve important roles working with very specific communities within Yolo County. Both work with a variety of community partners, and each had to do a hard pivot to meet need during this unprecedented time. |
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