COVID-19 Community Report Episode 21: Interviews with Ryan Collins Coordinating Homeless Services and Davis Enterprise Editor Sebastian Onate -May 26th, 2020

In Episode 21 we speak with Ryan Collins, City of Davis' Homeless Outreach Services Coordinator and with Sebatian Onate, editor of the Davis Enterprise.  Both are involved with very essential services and face unique challenges during the conoravirus pandemic.

Ryan Collins approaches the continuing issue of homelessness in Davis on a "case by case" basis and "meets them where they are" to assist with what each individual identifies as their most pressing need. His position of Coordinator utilizes skills in directly speaking with the homeless and in connecting them with a wide variety of services.  Funded by a grant to the City of Davis, link here for more information about resources via the City of Davis website.  For an excellent article highlighting this program and the outreach work of Ryan Collins, link to this by Davis Enterprise article by  reporter Anne Ternus-Bellamy.

In speaking with Sebastian Onate we hear about the current challenges facing the Davis Enterprise, due largely to a drop in advertising revenue due to pandemic's impact on local businesses. We hear about the dedicated staff of local reporters working to feature the ways our community is adapting and the continued importance of subscriptions for both paper and online content.  As a service to our community, all content about the COVID-19 crisis is available to all.