That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at

Replays Wednesday 12-1pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

That's Life with an Energetic Kevin Wolf


Kevin Wolf is a name well known in Davis.  And Kevin Wolf is a person well worth knowing.

Lois met him in the 1970s and has worked with him in several projects -- Davis Food Co-op, Davis Community Network, DCTV, KRDT, politics, and others.  Kevin is probably most famous as a founder of the CoHousing project on N Street.  

Currently he is involved in the WindHarvest project which offers a easier, simpler, less problematic solution to getting energy from wind than the giant wind turbines currently in use.  More info at 

This episde has chatting about the past and enthusiasm about the future.  Hope you enjoy it.

[This show aired 2025-02-05, 02-12, and 02-19.]



That's Life with Women Making Music

Wo-Ma-Mu !!!   That's short for "Women Making Music".  As their website says, it "is a nonprofit organization devoted to bringing music and other creative arts into women's lives through education, participation, and personal empowerment".  They do that with retreats in the hills of California where (ta-dah!) women get together to make music! -- also to be creative, get immersed in nature, enjoy each other, and recharge. 

The current Artistic Director is Marianne Barlow -- who joins Lois on today's show.  (Judy Fjell was the group's first Artistic Director and has now retired.)

To get info on upcoming retreats, go to  

That's Life with John Muir Laws

Jack's back!  

John Muir Laws is an artist, naturalist, educator, and author.  Jack was on the "Birding With Lois" video show in 2022 -- viewable as "How to Observe Better" at: 

Today we talk about his new book -- "The Laws Field Guide to Sierra Birds: Updated Edition".  We also dive into NATURE JOURNALING and how observing the natural world can change our lives for the better.  

Be sure to check out the dozens of classes Jack has for FREE on his personal website --  -- and the events/ activities on the Wild Wonder Foundation -- 


[This show aired 2025-01-01 and  2025-02-26.]

That's Life has MOVED !!


NEW TIME!  NEW DAY !!  Same host and program.

"That's Life" will now be broadcast at NOON on WENZDAYS.  

Archives remain in the same place --  --  and at this time there is no weekly re-broadcast.

If you have comments or suggestions, contact Lois Richter at the show eddress --



That's Life with Gitane, a French woman

Gitane is French! 

French-Canadian to be precise.  She grew up in an entirely French-speaking area of Canada and says she didn't truly learn English until she moved to Santa Monica and no one spoke French!  

French to English.  How does that work?  How do you move from speaking (and thinking in) your birth tongue to speaking (and maybe thinking in?) a different language.  Aside from the spelling and  pronunciation, there is also a difference in philosophy between French and English.  Dr G used as an example the first book she ever read in English -- The Little Prince.  In the English version, the fox says  "there is a secret place ..."; while in the original French version, the fox says "there is a mysterious place ...".  (Gitane highly recommends this book as something to help one think about serious matters in a light way.)

That's Life with Gitane, radio host

Have you ever listened to "Heart to Heart" here on KDRT?  If so, you are familiar with the melodious voice of Gitane (Dr.G).  She is a long-time radio personality -- having had a show in Florida for many years before she moved away.  When KDRT was formed, she considered returning to the airways and in 2009 began her weekly show.  Pre-pandemic, Gitane had guests with her in the studio and played songs to interlude the hour-long show.  When the studio shut down, past shows of "Heart to Heart" were played while G figured out how to proceed.  (A few off-line episodes were made, but mostly G has been waiting for the station to be up, running, and safe.  If you want to engineer for G, please tell Jeff.)

But that brings us to this interview.  Hear lots of stories by or about Gitane, find out how she got to where she is, and her plans for the future.

That's Life with Judy Fjell

Judy Fjell is coming.


Her concert in Davis is 23 October 2024 at the UU Church at 7 pm.   

More details at along with 70+ songs for free there on "Judy's Radio". 

About 1982, Lois met Judy in Davis when they both lived here and were both interested in Women's Music -- Judy on stage and Lois back stage!  Today's show is a chat about old times, new projects, and interactions with nature.   Judy is an avid birder and nature observer.  

Her website says: "Whether you're a longtime fan of Singer-Songwriter Judy Fjell, or you've recently discovered her through a camp, workshop, or worship experience ..."  and  "Judy has written and recorded over 20 albums, published several songbooks and ukulele instructional books, and continues to teach and perform from her home in Montana." 

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I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)

-- Arielle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 1:16pm

I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:42am

Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 10:31am

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