
Mountain Mama asks you to give

Hi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and asking

1) Give a Little Bit, The Goo Goo Dolls 3:36
2) Movin’ On Down The Line, The Black Crowes 5:43
3) Give It Up, Bonnie Raitt 7:00

To Rich Givers. by Walt Whitman
WHAT you give me, I cheerfully accept,
A little sustenance, a hut and garden, a little money—these, as I rendezvous with my
A traveler’s lodging and breakfast as I journey through The States—Why should I
ashamed to own such gifts? Why to advertise for them?
For I myself am not one who bestows nothing upon man and woman;
For I bestow upon any man or woman the entrance to all the gifts of the universe.

4) Give You My Lovin, Mazzy Star 3:50
5) If I Had The World To Give, The Grateful Dead 4:53

Poem by Gina Covina

6) Give It Away, Red Hot Chili Peppers 4:44
7) Get By With A Little Help From My Friends, John Lennon :39
8) Diamonds On The Inside, Ben Harper, 4:27

Hope is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

Donate To Preserve Freedom of Speech

This Is About You

So I know you’re writing lots of checks these days … everywhere you turn you’re being asked to contribute to important causes … well, I’ve got another one for you.
Free speech is the bedrock of our freedoms in this country and key to that freedom is that the peoples’ voices can be heard … not the voice of corporations or monopolies, not the voice of whoever is in charge, but the voice of the people.

The Eclectic Dinosaur Visits The Grapevine

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, the one...the only..."Walkin' Talkin' Rockin'" Lee of KDRT's beloved "Eclectic Dinosaur" program...will be joining me in the KDRT studio this Thursday, April 15 from 7 to 8 pm. There's always a whiff of danger when we get together and start yappin' about classic American music...yea boy!

But we promise to be judicious with our yappin', and we will for sure make it happen with a big ol' bunch of sounds that will keep you spinnin' round!

Replays of the show will be comin' offa the KDRT antenna on April 19 from 3 to 4 pm, and, of course, you can catch it any time after the program airs at

So, here is the trivia question for this special broadcast:

What is known as the "Little Bitty Record With The Great Big Hole"?

Give us a call with your answer when we are on the air and we'll play your request. 792-1648.

Thanks for listening to K-DIRT!


Mountain Mama's Broken Heart

Hi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and broken hearted

1) How Can You Mend A Broken Heart, The Bee Gees 3:58
2) Every Time You Say Goodbye, Allison Krauss 3:05
3) Goodbye, Steve Earle, 4:57

The Dog Has Run Off Again by Mary Oliver
and I should start shouting his name
and clapping my hands,
but it has been raining all night
and the narrow creek has risen
is a tawny turbulence is rushing along
over the mossy stones
is surging forward
with a sweet loopy music
and therefore I don't want to entangle it
with my own voice
calling summoning
my little dog to hurry back
look the sunlight and shadows are chasing each other
listen how the wind swirls & leaps & dives up & down
who am I to summon his hard and happy body
his four white feet that love to wheel and pedal
through the dark leaves

Dylan & The Dead on The Golden Road

Tune on in to 95.7 FM and the Golden Road on April 4th for an earful of Bob Dylan & The Grateful Dead. Will be playing some of Bob's best stuff, the Dead doing some Dylan, Jerry doing some Dylan and some choice live cuts of Dylan playing with the Grateful Dead.

Replays of this broadcast will on Friday, April 9th from 10:00 pm - 12 midnight and Saturday, April 10th from 3 - 5 pm.

"But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody's gonna want a dose...."

Mountain Mama Heads to the Barn

Hi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and headed to the barn

1) Buckets of Rain, The Wood Brothers 3:26
2) Bucket, Greg Brown 5:15

The White Horse by D. H. Lawrence
The youth walks up to the white horse, to put its halter on
and the horse looks at him in silence.
They are so silent, they are in another world.

3) Ease Back, Amos Lee 4:33
4) Molly and Tenbrooks, Tony Furtado and Kelly Joe Phelps 4:38

Hay for the Horses by Gary Snyder
He had driven half the night
From far down San Joaquin
Through Mariposa, up the
Dangerous Mountain roads,
And pulled in at eight a.m.
With his big truckload of hay
behind the barn.
With winch and ropes and hooks
We stacked the bales up clean
To splintery redwood rafters
High in the dark, flecks of alfalfa
Whirling through shingle-cracks of light,
Itch of haydust in the
sweaty shirt and shoes.
At lunchtime under Black oak
Out in the hot corral,
---The old mare nosing lunchpails,
Grasshoppers crackling in the weeds---
"I'm sixty-eight" he said,
"I first bucked hay when I was seventeen.
I thought, that day I started,
I sure would hate to do this all my life.

The Grapevine Honors Cesar Chavez

Tune into KDRT and The Grapevine this Thursday (March 25th) for The Grapevine's annual tip of the cap to Cesar Chavez. We'll celebrate his memory and honor all the righteous work he, and other farm workers contributed to California's soul by playing some of the best of the best of Latino & Hispanic music.

Hear it LIVE on March 25th at 7 p.m., or catch the replay on March 29th at 3 pm. And, of course, you can hear it ANYTIME at:

Archives mas fina!

The Grapevine Chases Chain Lightning

Be sure to tune into The Grapevine to hear a very special broadcast featuring the incredible sounds of the one, the only...Steely Dan. Here's one of my favorite quotes from record reviewers on their music:

"The cerebral energy, the precise rhythms, the melodies which rise like the sun on your day off, all combine to give the music of Steely Dan an unmistakable reality, which hangs like an aura around your stereo speakers."

And here's another:

"Almost every character in each of these songs is engaged in furtive balancing verbal puzzles and moments of unequivocal clarity, Steely Dan has learned how to keep the vampires from the door."

But the real deal, folks, is that Steely Dan has always had one of the coolest sounds by combining excellent horn arrangements, killer keyboard work, incredibly strong melodies, unique lyrics and a vast sea of mental images set to some beautiful, and often very weird music!

The live broadcast will be Thursday, March 18th from 7 to 8 pm, and replayed direct off of the KDRT antenna on March 22nd from 3 to 4 pm. And of course, you can catch this special show all over the world at: