That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at

Replays Wednesday 12-1pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

That's Juli Patten

Today Lois is away, so guest host Beth Post interviews Juli Patten -- a Pastoral Intern at Davis Lutheran Church.  Having been thru the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley (California), she is in Davis for a year to complete her study for ordained ministry.  Since Juli is originally from Hawaii, she and Beth have LOTS to talk about!  Juli is a retired school teacher, a mother, and a newlywed.  Beth is the host of the internationally popular KDRT show "Na Mele O Hawai'i" and is sitting for Lois while she is getting retinal surgery. (Which, by the way, was successful and is being recovered from quite well.)

That's Rocky Mountain High

A few of you were around in the  70s and 80s and knew John Denver.  For you, here are some of his early songs. 

Some other listeners have never even HEARD of John Denver!  For you, here is an introduction to one of the most influential singers of his time.  I've included some history of John as well as some of his music. 

Today's songs are from his famous  "Rocky Mountain High" album.  (The CD was published by RCA, from recording of the 1972 album by BMG Music.)

That's Genealogy in 2020

Today "Genealogy" means the same as "Family History".  That is, discovering who your ancestors are, where they lived, and (hopefully) find stories to flesh out the  bare bones of the past. Today Lois Richter and Sue Torguson suggest how to get started, where and how to organize your data, some resource ideas, and they share personal stories from their own explorations of years gone by.  Featured are the local Davis Genealogy Club and the worldwide place to share your work as well as regional and topical groups and clubs.  

That's Sweet Honey in the Rock

Today Lois begins with reminiscing about her former bookstore "(Davis Wo-Men's Books), the 1970s, being the Davis distributor of women's music (music made by and for women), the feminist movement, and groups that got started near here then. 

Remembrances lead up to how "Sweet Honey in the Rock" got started in 1973.  Today we listen to their 20th anniversary album "Still On The Journey" (from 1993).  

That's Margie Adam's Most Recent Music

Do you know the music of Margie Adam?  She is one of my favorite musicians!  Singer -- songwriter -- pianist -- activist -- feminist ...  the list keeps growing.   Did you know that she lived in Davis in the 1970s?  I had the pleasure of meeting her then, carrying her very first album in my store (Davis Wo/men's Book), and watching her career take off.  She moved from Davis to the Bay Area long ago and toured for many years before changing gears in 2015 to do integrative counseling. 

Today' program featured pieces from her final two albums -- "Avalon" and "Portal" -- interspersed with remembrances.  This is 'part 3' of this series.

Part 1 =

Part 2 =

That's Another Year Gone. Now What?


An eclectic show today!   Interlude music:  "Olivia Newton John" from the series "Back to Basics: The Essential Collection"

Question: What do you want to hear on this program in 2020?  Possible discussion-starters were listed and quoted by Lois.  Also some books that you might like but won't be  readon the show.

Readings (or possible show topics): "A World That Sings: Favorite Verses by Helen Lowrie Marshall"; "A Handbook of Ethics: A Study of Right and Wrong in High Schools";  "On Friendship" (edited by Louise Bachelder);  "The Education of Little Tree"; "We Should All Be Feminists" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (from her TED talk at: .

That's Xmas Music in December


Christmas (sometimes spelled Xmas) was originally, and still is for most, a Christian religious holiday. 

Xmas (sometimes spelled Christmas) is often a secular celebration of family and gifting -- a holiday that is particularly enjoyed by children.

Both Christmas and Xmas exist.  Both can involve songs and music.  

This show "That's Xmas Music in December" is a sampling of the music we might hear in December each year -- some religious, some secular.

These songs are from CDs that were left over after all KDRT's "Community Garage Sale" fundraiser in fall 2019.  I kept them out to share with you now and in the future.  (There is more than enough Xmas music songs here to make several shows!)

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I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)

-- Arielle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 1:16pm

I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:42am

Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 10:31am

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