That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at

Replays Thursday 11am-12pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

That's Music by Margie, Jake, Anthony, and Jeff

A selection of Lois' favorites from Margie Adam, Jake Shimabukuro, Anthony Pfluke, and Jeff Peterson.

A little talk at the beginning (some ramblings about how different folks view their own religion/ philosophy/ way of life) and then just mellow instrumental music.


That's Jean Minton's All the Sweeter

Jean Minton is another local author and her book is called "All the Sweeter: Parents Share Their Stories of Adopting from Foster Care".  

Adopting children who are in foster care is not a new concept.  This book, however, describes what the current practices are.  County governments partner with many other non-profit organizations who also help facilitate adoptions for children who will not be going back to their own families.  Jean did lots of research about US foster-adoptions and interviewed many families aaround the country to create her book which tells each family's unique story.

Jean shares with us stories of twelve different parent/child/family situation. This book is useful for ALL PARENTS, whether their children are adopted or not.   More info about her book is at: 

That's Lois Reading Spacepaw

Guest cancelled. Had to wing it. Started with some jazz. Then read the opening chapter from Gordon R. Dickson's science fiction classic "Spacepaw" (first published in 1969, paperback published by Ace in 1983) which I had gotten years ago and still like. Another jazz interlude. Then the second reading was from "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff (1982). Jazz played was Louie Armstrong "West End Blues" (from Don Shor's compilation CD); Charlie Parker Quintet "Embraceable You" (from Smithsonian art Institute's "Classical Jazz Album"); and the Gary Mulligan Quartet played "Lullaby of the Leaves" (from "Cool Jazz" album).

That's Mike Pesola again

Construction guru and former KDRT host, Mike Pesola joins Lois to talk about his new book "Courting Sense; the Game Behind the Game of Racquetball".  This is a collections of tales from racquetball which are then related to situations in the business world.  This might seem an odd correlation, but Mike has been playing racquetball as long as he has been in business -- about 30 years -- and has noticed the applicability of lessons from one to the other.  Today's show includes a brief explanation to the game (which was foreign to Lois!) and several readings from Mike's brand new book. reviews this: "A humorous look at the business world as it relates to the game of racquetball; with a few anecdotes thrown in. This book will ring familiar to all of you racquetball players and also will appeal to all of you in the workforce.

That's Father Murphy

Msgr James Murphy is both a Catholic priest and an historian.  Together these passions have led to his writing “Saints and Sinners in the Cristero War: Stories of Martyrdom from Mexico”.  The book recounts the lives of eight people who were involved in a Catholic rebellion against the Mexican Revolution.  In today's interview, Father Murphy gives us the general history of that time in Mexico and explains how the political changes effected (and were affected by) the Catholic church. This is the setting in which to place his stories.

That's John Natsoulas

Todays' guest, John Natsoulas, tells us about "Davis Transmedia Art Walk Tours" and other art in and around Davis.  The Art Walk is a unique method of interacting with the murals, scultures, and other art pieces in Davis.  Each piece has a scannable identifier which allows each viewer to use their phone/tablet to learn more about the work (sometimes including a video of the artist is process) and allows the viewer to leave comments for the artist as well.

John has been involved in many many things in Davis, where he grew up and has lived a full life.  In addition to running his art gallery, John has been active in getting art in public places -- such as many of the mosaics in downtown -- and more recently in adding publicly-viewable murals to private buildings.  

That's Nikki Shannon Smith

Well-loved children's author Nikki Shannon Smith chats with Lois about her books, her career, and life in general.  The book in hand is "Charlotte Spies for Justice: A Civil War Survival Story", which is one of the books in the "Girls Survive" series.  That series has different authors sharing survival stories from different times and places. Nikki's two books are about the Civil War and the sinking of the Titanic.  These books have fictional girls inserted into historically accurate stories; so doing the research for each book is quite a chore.

From life lessons to details of writing, this is a wide-ranging interview.

That's Jeff Kubiak

Another fine author -- Jeff Kubiak -- tells us about his children's book about kindness, his process, and where he's going now.  "One Drop of Kindness is all it takes to fill a heart with love!​"

From his website at we learn:

"Jeff taught for ten years as an elementary school teacher in grades 4, 5, and 6 and has eight years of administrative experience. Jeff loves children's literature and "One Drop of Kindness" is Jeff's first published children's book. He hopes to continue writing books that bring about character change and inspiring others to help make our world a better place." and 

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I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)

-- Arielle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 1:16pm

I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:42am

Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 10:31am

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