
Field Recording


This blog post will explain equipment use, scene setup and good interview practices when engaging in in-field audio recording.


A rig is the common term for your recording gear. It usually consists of a recording unit, a mic, headphones and any other peripherals needed.

While DMA will be purchasing its own rig, it will help to know what a quality rig looks like. Here's a look at a rig with equipment that could buy from a website like B&H:

audio recording unit, like a flash recorder-directly to hard disk

extra flash cards, like compact flash cards from lexar.

pen and pencil for notes- don't forget!

headphones- 100.00 standard- Sony Sig MDR-V6

Rhode N2- shotgun. Audio Technica A-22.

Wind sock /Softy - Used to block the wind from ruining the recording

Pistol grip for mic - use the grip, sitting down, and only recording for

half-hour to 3 hours max

New and Used plastic baggies for batteries.

USB cord for downloading.

Manual for audio recorder

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