Station Archive

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

That's Another Hiccup in My Life


On 4 November 2023, Lois fell in the shower and broke her hip.  The next day she had surgery (at Sutter Davis Hospital) to replace part of her femur with a titanium ball.  Surgery went well and Lois is recovering nicely.  She spent a couple weeks in URC's "skilled nursing facility" and arrived back home 11-22-23.  (With more medication, PT exercises, and a little less energy than before.)  Walking improves weekly, but it will be May before she is driving again.

So Lois has not made any new "That's Life" shows for a while.  Various re-runs were aired from mid-November -- chosen by KDRT's Jeff Shaw from the 18+ years worth of archives of TL episodes held at the station.  Lois expects to return to creating new TL shows, but we're not sure when.  (On the other hand, Don Shor continued to meet with Lois on zoom and so only one episode of "Davis Garden Show" was missed.)

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March Madness Sparks Sports Betting

The News Cycle focuses on March Madness and the gambling that comes with it.  We interview reporter Robert Linnehan from the publication Sports Betting Dime, and Diane Goode, the Executive Director of the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling.  Lewis Williams gives us opinion on the legality of sports betting in a editorial, and Jordan Kims gives us background information about March Madness. Hosted by Noah Meyer. Produced by Noah Meyer. Music by Daniel Ruiz Jiminez. Packages by Jordan Kim and Lewis Williams.

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