Station Archive

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Davisville, Aug. 28, 2017: We Need A Lot More Housing, California YIMBY Says, So Start Building

Housing is expensive and scarce, in Davis and in regions all over California. Clearly, the supply has not kept up with the growth in population. Brian Hanlon is executive director of California YIMBY (for “Yes In My Backyard”), a new group, largely backed by technologists, that is urging the state to get serious about building more houses and apartments. Lots of them. Wherever they're needed. It supports several proposed laws now before the state Legislature, including one that would reduce barriers to new housing in communities that don’t take their state-defined share of growth. On today’s Davisville, we talk about remedies he supports and how they’d play out here.

The Golden Road for 7:00pm on Aug 25th, 2017

DJ Lee and his family spent the last week in the high mountain desert of New Mexico, seeing the sights and visiting his brother Michael. So tonight the Golden Road takes us down the New Mexico and Southwest way with music from The New Riders of the Purple Sage, Bob Weir, Jerry Garcia, and of course the Grateful Dead.

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