Mountain Mama picks favorites
Wed, 01/13/2010 - 12:36pm | Nancy BodilyHi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and pickin’ favorites
Feelin’ Good, Nina Simone 2:57
Shameless by Suzanne Roberts
2) Little Devil, Mindy Smith 3:16
3) You Only Believe Me When I’m Lying, Zoe Muth 3:25
The Great Mother, by Gary Snyder
5) Postcards from Hell, the Wood Brothers 4:45
6) Sweet Tooth, Dave Rawlings Machine 5:21
Where is Your Rock, Edward Abbey
7) Railroad Wings, Patti Griffin 3:59
8) Say a Little Prayer, Greg Brown 4:12
9) Leaving This Life, Lori McKenna 4:53
Almost by Julia Levine
10) Under the Rain, By Blackie and the Rodeo Kings 6:47
11) She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain, John Lennon 1:03
12) Across the Universe, The Beatles 3:38
Mindful by Mary Oliver
13) Magalenha, The Duhks 2:01
14) Let My Love Open the Door, by Pete Townshend 2:44
Mountain Mama’s Earth Music is heard here on KDRT 95.7 FM, in Davis, CA and you can check out today’s play list, listen to the show or any of other great shows any old time by logging onto