
Mountain Mama picks favorites

Hi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and pickin’ favorites

Feelin’ Good, Nina Simone 2:57

Shameless by Suzanne Roberts

2) Little Devil, Mindy Smith 3:16
3) You Only Believe Me When I’m Lying, Zoe Muth 3:25

The Great Mother, by Gary Snyder

5) Postcards from Hell, the Wood Brothers 4:45
6) Sweet Tooth, Dave Rawlings Machine 5:21

Where is Your Rock, Edward Abbey

7) Railroad Wings, Patti Griffin 3:59
8) Say a Little Prayer, Greg Brown 4:12
9) Leaving This Life, Lori McKenna 4:53

Almost by Julia Levine

10) Under the Rain, By Blackie and the Rodeo Kings 6:47
11) She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain, John Lennon 1:03
12) Across the Universe, The Beatles 3:38
Mindful by Mary Oliver
13) Magalenha, The Duhks 2:01
14) Let My Love Open the Door, by Pete Townshend 2:44

Mountain Mama’s Earth Music is heard here on KDRT 95.7 FM, in Davis, CA and you can check out today’s play list, listen to the show or any of other great shows any old time by logging onto

The Golden Road Salutes Dr. Strangely Strange


Like Pigpen used to sing, "I asked my doctor, just what I had..." And what was the eternal answer? "All you need...all you really need is GOOD LOVE!" Well, that and some good healing vibes to the good Dr. Strangely Strange.

Ol' Doc Strange took a spill and will be on the mend for a spell. When he's ready, we'll get him back on the air here at The Dirt. In the meantime, this edition of The Golden Road is dedicated to him with all the bells, whistles and transportational sounds that you might expect from us crazy's down here at the station. We begin on Earth, and then sail off for another land in the distant galaxy.

Be well, Doc...see you on the flip side!

Aquarius retrospective on 'Speakeasy'

A look back at Aquarius on next 'Speakeasy'

Michael Diamond is the guest on the Jan. 6 edition of "Speakeasy," a local talk show that airs Wednesdays at 10 a.m. on KDRT-LP, 95.7 FM in Davis. The show is also streamed live and archived at

Diamond was one of the original owners of Aquarius, a downtown business that closed last month after several owners and more than 20 years in business. Diamond recently shared some of his thoughts in an article featured in The Enterprise. During the radio interview, he'll have a chance to get a little more in depth as to what Aquarius meant to him, personally, as well as to our downtown.

Hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Speakeasy features profiles of people doing positive work in Davis and beyond.

Mountain Mama apologizes to poet Jonathan Greenhause

Dear listeners,

Back in October on Mountain Mama's Black Magic show I read an amazing poem entitled "Fallen In Sectional Constructions," by Jonathan Greenhause.

Somehow in the production of the show I incorrectly identified the poet who wrote this wicked, wonderful poem, which has recently been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. My apologies to the poem and the poet, who gracefully informed me of my error.

As you all know, much of this show is homage to the works of amazing, talented poets whose works often get lost in this fast-paced world of ours. I also like to think of the show as its own poem in a way, so please forgive my mistake and listen in to future shows where perhaps you will hear more of the work of Jonathan Greenhause. And to hear the poem, please visit Programs/Archives, Mountain Mama Black Magic. It is the first poem you hear in the show.

Mtn Mama

Mountain Mama Holiday

Hi there … and welcome to Mountain Mama’s Earth Music … home grown and headed into the holiday season

1) O Holy Night, Winterbloom 3:52
2) Silver Bells, Mindy Smith 3:16
3) Carol of the Bells, The Benders :40

Winter Trees by William Carlos Williams
All the complicated details
of the attiring and
the disattiring are completed!
A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping in the cold.

4) Baby It’s Cold Outside, Leigh Nash featuring Gabe Nixon 3:16
5) Winter Wonderland, Bob Dylan 1:53
6) Sleigh Ride, Jonny Mathis, 2:15
7) Deck the Halls, The Roches, 2:10
Sonnet in the Shape of a Potted Christmas Tree
by George Starbuck
O glitter-torn!
Let the wild wind erect
bonbonbonanzas; junipers affect
frostyfreeze turbans; iciclestuff adorn
all cuckolded creation in a madcap crown of horn!
It’s a new day; no scapegrace of a sect
tidying up the ashtrays playing Daughter-in-Law Elect;
bells! bibelots! popsicle cigars! shatter the glassware! a son born
while ox and ass and infant lie
together as poor creatures will

The Grapevine Christmas Sounds

The Grapevine jumps into Santa's sleigh and hits the road for it's annual Christmas Holiday broadcast. From Dr. John to Pearl Bailey to The Temptations and more, it is there for the listeners of KDRT to (hopefully!) enjoy as we near the end of 2009. Check out the "Recent Playlists" side of this web page for more musical details.

And, as always, thanks for supporting KDRT!

Have A Merry Christmas!

Rod "Mo-Ho-Ho" Seanko

Davisville airs Gene Parsons interview as its most popular 2009 show

The current edition of “Davisville” is a rebroadcast of the program’s most popular show of 2009--an interview with Gene Parsons, a later member of the 1960s/70s rock band the Byrds.

Parsons, who lives in Mendocino County and played a show at the Palms in southeast Davis in the 1980s, sat for a phone interview with "Davisville" host Bill Buchanan in March. The program, aided by Byrds fans who learned about the interview via social media, logged several hundred downloads and listens before it was timed out of the KDRT archives in September.

“Davisville,” a talk show that largely focuses on Davis people, events and issues, is broadcast on Mondays at 5:30 p.m., and on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. New programs air every other week. The Parsons interview is dated Dec. 7, 2009, in the “Davisville” archives at KDRT.

Davis Voice featured on Speakeasy

The Davis Voice topic of next "Speakeasy'
Kemble Pope is the guest on the Dec. 9 edition of "Speakeasy," a local talk show that airs Wednesdays at 10 a.m. on KDRT-LP, 95.7 FM in Davis. The show is also streamed live and archived at

Pope, editor of The Davis Voice blog, discusses the relatively new community blog, its focus and how community members can get involved.

Hosted by Autumn Labbe-Renault, Speakeasy features profiles of people doing positive work in Davis and beyond.