Station Archive

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Davis author writes the book about ‘Peanuts’ pianist Vince Guaraldi

yolo archiveyolo archiveSan Francisco jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi (right, with characteristic handlebar moustache) wrote music for “Peanuts” specials, influenced countless musicians, and created one of the top-selling Christmas records ever (“A Charlie Brown Christmas”), but in-depth appraisals of his career are scarce. Davis author Derrick Bang has fixed that with “Vince Guaraldi at the Piano,” an account of Guaraldi and his music. Bang holds a copy of his book, left. Guaraldi, who performed in Davis in 1963 and 1972, died of a heart attack at 47 in 1976.

Papageno sings of his longing on Dr. Paul's Classics

yolo archiveIn the second half of today's show, we have Papageno the birdman (pictured here from a production of The Magic Flute), singing about how he's a bird catcher, and would like to catch himself a bird-wife. Papageno is one of Mozart's most endearing and enduring operatic characters. Follow this link for a charming video of Papageno in duet with his beloved Papagena. The show starts with a stirring overture by Franz von Suppe and includes a trio for baryton (like a bass fiddle on steroids!), cello, and viola. Then, a gorgeous aria from Verdi's Rigoletto. If this isn't enough, Dr.

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