Station Archive

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Ki ho'alu award winners from 1998 to 2011 - a slack key celebration

This show presents slack key delights played by masters who have been recognized with the Hawai'i Academy of Recording Arts No Hoku Ki Ho'alu award, a non-competitive award given to those who have contributed a lifetime career of preservation of Hawai'i slack key music. From Gabby & Atta in 1998 to John Keawe and Pekelo in 2011, we sample them all!

Education at Risk

The cuts keep coming and we hear about to the bone. No these are amputations. There are alternatives. An initiative petition is making the rounds: Oil Extraction Tax. It is about time. This is a no brainer. Meanwhile, here in Davis the public continues to grapple with the issue of tax itself to pay for education. We pay more and get less. It is time to tax the Big Oil.

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