Station Archive

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Celtic Songlines "Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers"

Featured this week on Celtic Songlines is Solas, a couple of selections from their album Sunny Spells & Scattered Showers. Also featured is more great music from the Celtic catalogue, featuring Marla Fibish, Magpiety, Novemthree, Silly Wizard, The Tannahill Weavers, Barcelona's Drónán, Old Blind Dogs, Shirley Collins, our favorite Prairie Druid Patty Tutty and the Battlefield Band. 

Balancing act: The First Amendment and extremist expression, on The News Cycle

This week The News Cycle talked to Yolo County Supervisor Jim Provenza, and UC Davis professors Garen Wintemute and Ashutosh Bhagwat, about the recent incident at the Mary L. Stephens public library, and its aftermath.

Interviews by Noah Meyer. Produced by Rowan Reising and Noah Meyer. Theme music by Daniel Ruiz-Jimenez.

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