Station Archive
The Electric Compost Heap for 7:00pm on Dec 7th, 2016Wed, 12/07/2016 - 9:05pm | Dug Deep |
The Grapevine for 6:00pm on Dec 7th, 2016Wed, 12/07/2016 - 7:05pm | Rodriguez |
Na Mele O Hawai'i for 2:00pm on Dec 7th, 2016Wed, 12/07/2016 - 4:05pm | Beth Post |
Heart to Heart for 12:00pm on Dec 7th, 2016Wed, 12/07/2016 - 1:05pm | Dr. Gitane |
The Folk Brothers for 10:00am on Dec 7th, 2016Wed, 12/07/2016 - 11:05am | Peter Schiffman |
Jazz After Dark for 8:00pm on Dec 6th, 2016Tue, 12/06/2016 - 9:05pm | Don Shor |
Roots, Shoots, and Leaves for 6:00pm on Dec 6th, 2016Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:10pm | Tree Kilpatrick |
Cool Theatre TimesTue, 12/06/2016 - 6:05pm | Rocket DrewRight after this show Rocket is going to DHS to usher for a junior high orchestra concert. The usher program at DHS sprang up last year and lots of teachers provide extra credit for ushering. Rocket talks about taking stagecraft at DHS too, it's a class in the Brunelle Hall where students learn different aspects of technical production and design. Right now they're learning about sound and how to navigate the theatre's sound system so Rocket and someone else are bringing guitars into class tomorrow and jamming out over the loudspeakers. Rocket talks about the UCD Asexual Community that came and presented to the DHS GSA and how that was a cool experience. Rocket's history class recently watched the movie Iron Jawed Angels so he reviews that too. Rocket also talks briefly about Black Boy by Richard Wright, a book they just finished in English. |
Getting real / dealing with the new President elect, growing up if you will. Dec 6th, 2016Tue, 12/06/2016 - 5:05pm | Kyle |