Station Archive
Live Tracks for 7:00pm on Sep 20th, 2018Thu, 09/20/2018 - 9:05pm | Jim Buchanan |
Silver Nine Volt Heart for 5:00pm on Sep 20th, 2018Thu, 09/20/2018 - 7:05pm | Rodriguez |
A Mix of Music for 3:00pm on Sep 20th, 2018Thu, 09/20/2018 - 4:05pm | DJ Dave |
That's Tree Davis -- times threeThu, 09/20/2018 - 2:05pm | Lois RichterTree Davis was well represented today with THREE voices! Executive director Erin Donley Marineau brought along program manager Michelle Blair Medeiros and boardmember Greg McPherson to explain the goals, roles, and projects of this non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance and expand the urban forest by teaching people to plant and care for trees. "Trees and people need each other to survive in an urban environment. Trees benefit people in many ways. They shade our homes, clean our air and water, help to feed us, provide shelter, and much more. But trees need people too! It takes a community to plant and care for an urban forest. Tree Davis has been educating volunteers on how to plant, prune, care, and monitor trees for over twenty years." |
Davis Garden Show for 12:00pm on Sep 20th, 2018Thu, 09/20/2018 - 1:05pm | Don Shor |
Chambers Street Theatre for 11:00am on Sep 20th, 2018Thu, 09/20/2018 - 11:35am | Ruth Chambers |
Music Eclectica 93 (9/19/2018)Wed, 09/19/2018 - 10:05pm | Shawn Rainbow |
The Electric Compost Heap for 7:00pm on Sep 19th, 2018Wed, 09/19/2018 - 9:05pm | Dug Deep |
Rap Snacks Radio for 6:00pm on Sep 19th, 2018Wed, 09/19/2018 - 7:05pm | Kay-Beezy Fa Sheezy |