Davisville Archives

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Davisville, Oct. 4, 2021: Enterprise Editor Seb Oñate

My guest today is Seb Oñate, the editor of the Davis Enterprise. Our subjects include the appeal of hyper-local community journalism, a "rough couple of years," popular types of stories among Enterprise readers (crime and local government), nostalgia for newsprint as paid print circulation fades but online readership grows, engaging the town's college students, and working in “a town as engaged as Davis.”

Davisville, Sept. 20, 2021: Amid drought and frightening wildfires, Davis is relatively fortunate

The prediction a few weeks ago, inspired by this year’s ravaging wildfires, that “every acre [in California] can and will burn” — does that really apply to Davis? And if the drought continues through this coming winter and spring, does Davis have the water it needs? Today we talk with Stan Gryczko, director of Public Works Utilities & Operations for the city, and Joe Tenney, Davis fire chief, about the city’s water supplies, conservation, and the fire risks facing Davis in 2021.

(Credits: Illustration by Mark Deamer; excerpt from “Song of the Sea” written and played by Randy Mahrer)

Davisville, Sept. 6, 2021: Latest effort to reduce homelessness in Davis is taking shape on H Street

A firm number is hard to come by, but there are probably at least 200 homeless people in Davis. Paul's Place is the latest resource to help them get off the street. It will offer tiny apartments, transitional housing, and services, and it replaces an old, former house where Davis Community Meals and Housing has been offering help for more than 20 years.

On today's Davisville, DCMH Executive Director Bill Pride talks about Paul's Place, why it's named for his dad, the current state of homelessness in town, the effect of the pandemic, and a few insights he's learned over the years while seeking to help the homeless in Davis.

Davisville, Aug. 23, 2021: With crops worth $670 million, Yolo ag is seeing some changes

Yolo agriculture, which produced crops worth $670 million in 2020, is going through a few changes. That’s not surprising, because of the drought, Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, but maybe some of the details are. For example, sales of CSA boxes (“community supported agriculture”) rose sharply last year, helping to balance lower food sales to restaurants and institutions; longer term, some growers are moving crops to Yolo from even drier parts of the state. Yolo Agricultural Commissioner Humberto Izquierdo talks about these changes, his job, the value of open space, and a few things he wishes the county's city residents would know about farming, on today’s Davisville.

Davisville, Aug. 9, 2021: A bid to end hunger in Yolo County by 2026

About 30 to 40 percent of food in the United States is wasted, for reasons that range from spoilage and overproduction to unsold inventory and bad planning. A new California law, SB 1383, requires major changes in how we dispose of surplus food, with waste redirected to compost and edible food to the hungry. Michael Bisch, executive director of the Yolo Food Bank, believes the changes spurred by the law -- and conditions in Yolo County -- mean Yolo will be “pretty darn close to a fully food-secure county within three years, five years tops.” On today's Davisville, he explains why this breakthrough is now possible, plus how to pay for and achieve it.

Davisville, July 26, 2021: The story behind Davis' thousands of natural air conditioners

We all know trees are vital, especially in Davis. Imagine this city without them, especially when it's 112 degrees* outside. Today we talk with Erin Donley Marineau, whose job as executive director of Tree Davis means she's one of the people responsible for keeping the city well-tree'd.

Davisville, July 12, 2021: Checking in on the state of Covid-19 in Yolo County

A little more than half of Yolo County’s residents are now fully vaccinated, and the phase where thousands of people were eagerly signing up for the vaccine has ended. What’s next? Yolo County Public Health Officer Dr. Aimee Sisson appears on Davisville today to help us understand the status of the disease in Yolo County as of mid-July 2021. The subjects include herd immunity, the delta variant, answering questions from individuals who are reluctant to get the vaccine, and the ambiguity of not knowing what behavior is completely safe, even when you’re fully vaccinated.

Davisville, June 28, 2021: Entrepreneur says Davis should grow denser and add a lot more people

Tim Keller, a UC Davis alumnus who founded the Inventopia business incubator on Fifth Street in Davis, wants the community to seriously consider adding a lot more homes and population, perhaps to the tune of another 50,000 or 60,000 people over the next few decades. The growth and economic power created by UC Davis require it, he argues, and Davis is behind in meeting that demand. He’s a member of a new pro-growth group, Sustainable Growth Yolo, and explains his reasoning on today’s Davisville. One of his key objectives: Don't sprawl. Build dense.

Davisville, June 14, 2021: A big milestone on the path back from the pandemic

June 16 update: Aaron says that in the interview, when he's talking about a restaurant's need to hire employees for re-opening, he inadvertently mentioned the incorrect restaurant. He meant DeVere's Irish Pub, not Delta of Venus.

This week, California ends many of the restrictions that it imposed last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. If you’re not entirely clear on what to expect or do now, you’re not alone. As one way to understand the changes, we talk today with Aaron Wedra, marketing coordinator for the Davis Downtown Business Association, about how this step back toward normal conditions might play out for the businesses, shops, restaurants, and their customers, in the core of Davis.

Davisville, May 31, 2021: As students return to classrooms, Pamela Mari advises 'going slowly in order to go fast'

If you want clear ideas on how remote learning affected schools this past year, Pamela Mari is a good person to talk with. She was the first principal of Da Vinci Charter Academy, the Davis school district's "new tech" school, so she knows about using technology in education. She also taught in the district, and later worked as its director of student services. Her peers and the school board think so highly of her work and influence that they recently named the new tech hub at Da Vinci after her.

On today's Davisville she talks about Da Vinci, the tech hub (depicted here, and due to open in 2022-23), the shift to remote learning caused by the pandemic, the effect on students, what was lost, and what was gained. She offers advice on what to make of the experience. Students, teachers and parents might find her ideas essential as Davis looks ahead to the full return to classrooms this fall.

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