
Davis has interesting people, ideas, connections, and events. On Davisville, host Bill Buchanan presents stories that have some connection to Davis. The program has won 13 Excellence in Journalism awards from the San Francisco Press Club since 2018, plus a national Hometown Media Award for excellence from the Alliance for Community Media in 2024. Contact: davisville @ dcn.org

Replays Tuesday 12-12:30pm, Friday 5-5:30pm, Saturday 8:30-9am
Live Monday 5:30-6pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Davisville, July 23, 2018: Rosa Washington Olson is one of the important voices of Davis

Rosa Washington Olson grew up in the South and has lived in Davis for nearly half a century. She taught school for decades, earned advanced academic degrees, and as a public speaker she can engage people with warmth, understanding, and purpose—and challenge them with blunt facts. She grew up in a strong family amid “a time of overt racism,” she says, “but we had parents who shielded us from that hostility, and they always said to us ‘you are somebody. You will be somebody.’ ”

She has endured racism countless times, including in Davis. “Everything in the South was overt. You knew. All of the other places away from the South, hid behind the South, with their subtle, latent racism. People who went north thought they were going somewhere and realized they ran into the same kind, but in a different way.”

She also says she loves life and enjoys people, and wants to encourage, motivate and build bridges with other people. She likes Davis. The community of church is important to her (she started going to the Davis United Methodist Church in 1972). And she remains hopeful. “We are not to forget society,” she says. “It’s not an I and it’s not a me, it’s us together.”

Davisville, July 9, 2018: Ideas for downtown in 2040 are starting to emerge

The civic project to define what downtown Davis should be in 2040 is making progress. Meg Arnold and Michelle Byars, chair and vice chair of the Downtown Davis Plan Advisory Committee, described the effort on Davisville in April, and today they return with an update on what they've heard so far—about the idea that streets downtown feel too much alike, how to design housing so a wide range of people could live there, coming up with plans that people can count on, what neighbors and property owners want, and how all this work will fit with the rest of the city. They've received about 3,000 comments to date--and that doesn't include whatever they'll hear at the next participatory design workshop this week.

Davisville, June 25, 2018: An exit interview as Rochelle Swanson leaves the council

Rochelle Swanson has seen Davis from several sides—first as a student at UC Davis, and later as a parent, a participant in various civic projects, as a business owner, and for eight years as one of the five members of the Davis City Council. She decided two terms was enough, and on today’s Davisville we talk about the city, how it has changed, economic development, how she interprets the voters' approval of the Nishi housing project this month, what she’s doing next, and more, as she leaves the council behind on July 9.

Davisville, June 11, 2018: You’ve met someone! Long-term? Short-term? At first, it’s hard to tell

Perhaps you’ve been there. You meet someone, the attraction feels mutual and genuine, and after awhile you wonder, where is this headed? Turns out, says new research from the University of California, Davis, that at first it’s hard to tell whether a new romantic interest is the start of a long-term connection or not. Short- and long-term trajectories begin to diverge just before the time a relationship becomes sexual. Why then? If people defer sex until after marriage, are there other sorting points? Our guest today is Paul Eastwick, an associate professor of psychology at UC Davis and the lead author of the study we’re talking about today. We get into mating schemas, why people are reluctant to end relationships that aren't working, the misperceptions of what college students experience, the practical value of this research, and more.

Davisville, May 28, 2018: When you’re looking for regional solutions, talk to Martin Tuttle

We’re short on housing, the roads are crowded, the amount of homelessness is a disgrace. How do we solve problems like these—actually solve them, not just talk about them? Starting in the 1980s, Martin Tuttle has held jobs that have allowed him to observe, address, and help fix problems in the Solano-to-Placer region, from his days as a chief aide to then-Assemblyman Tom Hannigan, to Tuttle’s current job as city manager for West Sacramento. He leaves that job in June. Today we talk about the regional identity, how the area has changed since the 1980s, what we can learn from the ways we've solved problems before ... and get his take on two of our most intractable public works problems today: transportation and the lack of housing.

Davisville, May 14, 2018: What's it like to be mayor of Davis? Or the mayor’s spouse?

If we want a city council that represents the people who live here, then we need people who’ll give their time, effort and skills to serve on it. Candidates with political ambitions or appetites might get a career out of the work, but the citizen council member -- what's the reward for them? What's the cost? And because in a marriage the important experiences of one partner are also felt, in some fashion, by the other partner, then what’s the experience for the spouse? Today's guests are Robb and Nancy Davis. Four years ago, Robb ran his only campaign for the council, came in first, stepped up to mayor two years ago, and now completes his term this summer. On today’s show Robb and Nancy discuss how the experience affected them, and their comments include a candid explanation of why he didn’t want a second term.

Davisville, April 30, 2018: What’s happening at Amtrak?

With 372,000  passengers getting on or off at the our station last year, Davis is the sixth-busiest stop in California for Amtrak. Mixed among the Capitol Corridor trains that make up 98 percent of that traffic are two long-haul survivors of the Golden Age of train travel: the Oakland-Chicago California Zephyr, and the Los Angeles-Seattle Coast Starlight.

Amtrak, the federal entity that operates the passenger trains in Davis and most of the country, has a new chief executive (ex-Delta Air Lines) and has been curtailing aspects of its service—ending student discounts, reducing dining-car options on two long-distance trains back east, and cutting its ranks of ticket and baggage agents, to name three. More changes seem likely. But, and this is highly unusual in Amtrak’s 47-year-history, Washington just increased Amtrak’s budget by more than $1 billion.

To get a sense of what all this means, on today's show we talk with George Chilson, former chair of the Rail Passengers Association. He tells us why he thinks trains still matter, and says Amtrak's first priorities should be new equipment and more frequent trains—an approach that helped the Capitol Corridor succeed. (Photo shows the view from the end of the eastbound Zephyr in fall 2017, near the Utah/Colorado border.)

Davisville, April 16, 2018: Picturing downtown, 22 years from now

If you live in Davis, you likely have a pretty clear picture of what downtown is, perhaps including what you like about it, and maybe what you don't. Perhaps you have ideas of what you want it to become. The future of downtown Davis is the essential question before the Downtown Davis Plan Advisory Committee, and on today’s Davisville we talk with committee chair Meg Arnold and vice chair Michelle Byars about the work the committee has done in their first six months, and where they're headed next. Meanwhile, if you have ideas for how downtown should look and function in 2040, the city is presenting a public participatory design workshop next week.

Davisville, April 2, 2018: A plan to run self-driving shuttles from Amtrak station to UC Davis

The Yolo County Transportation District is proposing a new shuttle service that would operate self-driving, electric vehicles (something like the model in this photo) between the UC Davis campus and the Davis Amtrak station downtown. The shuttles would run frequently during peak commute hours, and use Third Street and Old Davis Road for parts of the route. On today's show Terry Bassett, executive director of the district, discusses everything from the details to the larger picture.

Davisville, March 19, 2018: Stories from all over wonderful, weird California

For five years, and while living in Davis, Sam McManis wrote a column about traveling through California for the Sacramento Bee. He went beyond the usual subjects to write about places like Nitt Witt Ridge ( a counterpoint to Hearst Castle), Rancho Obi-Wan, and the Museum of History in Granite, and has collected and updated the best stories in his new book, “Crossing California: A Cultural Topography of a Land of Wonder & Weirdness.” He’s back in the area from his current home in Yakima, Wash., for a book tour, and talks about his stories—and what he’d recommend to travelers who visit Davis—today on Davisville.

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You're a Davis icon, Bill. Keep up the good work of providing local, informative, and quality programming.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/15/2013 - 10:07pm

Bill, listen to the first 10 minutes of my show dated 7/7/2010. I hope you approve.
Paul Sheeran

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 7:22am

Just wanted to say thanks for an outstanding interview with Freedom From Hunger's president, Chris Dunford.
Keep up the good work!

Sam Citron

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 12:39pm

thanks, Sam!

This is the program in question; it aired Jan. 25:



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 12:42pm

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