
Davis has interesting people, ideas, connections, and events. On Davisville, host Bill Buchanan presents stories that have some connection to Davis. The program has won 13 Excellence in Journalism awards from the San Francisco Press Club since 2018, plus a national Hometown Media Award for excellence from the Alliance for Community Media in 2024. Contact: davisville @ dcn.org

Replays Tuesday 12-12:30pm, Friday 5-5:30pm, Saturday 8:30-9am
Live Monday 5:30-6pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Davisville, Feb. 13, 2017: Davis Hunts Sweet Spot for its Budding Marijuana Law

Davis is calmly (at least so far) going about the business of creating a city marijuana law, now that Proposition 64 has legalized recreational use of pot in California. The state ballot measure gave Davis, like every town in the state, several choices: Allow growing outdoors? Do you permit retail marijuana shops, and if so where? What about enforcement? How will all this synchronize with what the county, state and federal governments opt to do? On today’s show, Davis City Manager Dirk Brazil and Chief Innovation Officer Diane Parro talk about the current status, decisions facing Davis, what other cities are doing, and developments to date, including comments from the first “community conversation” this month. 

Davisville, Jan. 30, 2017: Bad Storms, Mostly Friendly Folks, 6,000 Calories a Day, and Other Tales From Biking 66 While 66

In 2005 Doug Waterman, a retired teacher who lives in Davis, rode his bike solo from Santa Monica to Chicago on Route 66. He also was 66 at the time. A decade later, he has written a book about the trip—“It Only Hurts When I Sit Down: A Bicycle Adventure on Historic Route 66”—and he appears on Davisville today to talk about what he saw along the way. He is joined by his wife Donna, who wrote nightly emails for their friends and family. His recollections include tales of good deeds and usually friendly folks, ghost towns, storms he barely outran, odd moments, and a truck tire he saw explode on the road.

Davisville, Jan. 16, 2017: The power of browsing and lure of print

The owners of Logos Books near 2nd and E streets are retiring at the end of January, but instead of closing their store, they plan to hand it off to the Friends of the Davis Library, which will continue to operate it as a nonprofit that sells used books. On today’s show, co-owner Susan Linz talks about bookselling, the need for downtown attractions, the lure of browsing, and what she and husband Peter Linz have learned from seven years of running the store.

Davisville, Jan. 2, 2017: Equipping Davis Bikes with Theft Detectors

The Davis Bike Club wants you to attach a Tile detection device to your bicycle, so that the device can tell you where your bike is if it gets stolen (only the bike owner is notified). The club will even give you the Tile, if you want. The main goal is to deter thieves and reduce one of Davis' major kinds of crime. But wouldn’t thieves just remove the device? And would police really respond to a report that a stolen bike had been located? On today’s show Phil Coleman, club president and a former Davis police chief, answers these questions, and explains how and why this "Tile the City" program should work. When it catches its first thief, he says, expect to hear a lot more about it.

Davisville, Dec. 12, 2016: The Palms’ New Owners Talk About Their Plans

The Palms Playhouse has a big name in regional music. It started in a barn in south Davis 40 years ago, moved to Winters in 2002, and closed for most of 2016 after previous owner Dave Fleming retired. Now it’s reopening with new owners, Nora Cary and Andrew Fridae, both of Winters. On today’s show we talk about what inspired them to buy the Palms, their plans, their continuing emphasis on music, how they’ll use analytics to help identify acts who might do well at the venue, and performers they’d love to book. They also plan to display the green room wall from the barn era, which shows signatures from musicians who played at the club back in its Davis days. 

Davisville, Nov. 28, 2016: More Signal! Plus We Open the Vault

This evening KDRT begins a week of special programming to mark its campaign to boost the station’s signal. On Davisville, “special” means playing a few short segments created for other uses at KDRT that have never appeared on this show before: The Change Monster, and a skit we might call Rudolph’s Lawyer Negotiates With Santa on That Foggy Christmas Eve. But first we talk briefly with Davis Media Access Executive Director Autumn Labbe-Renault on why expanding KDRT’s signal to cover all of Davis is a good idea. This photo shows three of the folks behind tonight’s show (Autumn was gone before we could rope her into this shot): host Bill Buchanan, center, engineer Jim Buchanan, right, and Officially Unbiased Professional Singer Megan Buchanan, left, who shares her verdict on the musicality of Bill’s semi-finished boost-the-signal radio spot you’ll hear near the end, The Weak Signal Blues.

Davisville, Nov. 14, 2016: The Annual Movie Show with Davis Film Critic Derrick Bang

Derrick Bang, who writes movie reviews for his blog Derrick Bang on Film and The Davis Enterprise, returns this week for his annual conversation about year-end movies with program host Bill Buchanan (in the photo, that’s Derrick on the left). Bang talks about movies he thinks will be good, a few he believes will fail, sequels, the problem with first-run movie theaters that serve meals, and how 2016 has fared in terms of quality. “Hollywood stuff has lacked imagination this year, until summer, when things picked up a little bit,” he says. “[But] it has been a superb year for smaller, independent movies.”

Davisville, Oct. 31, 2016: Interesting Work, Growth at The Davis Shakespeare Ensemble

The Davis Shakespeare Ensemble is an interesting story for at least two reasons: their work, and the way they continue to grow. Today we talk with Rob Salas (in photo), who co-founded the group in 2010 with Gia Battista, about the support they’re getting, the professional theater they’re building, the appeal of Shakespeare, their 2017 season, why they chose Davis, and one of the festivals they’re learning from: the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland.

Davisville, Oct. 17, 2016: Why Gratitude Works

Rachel Cross lives in Davis, works as a registered nurse at a state prison, and previously taught developmental psychology at Sacramento State. For four Thursdays starting Oct. 27, she's teaching a short, free series on gratitude -- not for money or as part of a program, but because she “can’t not" do it. She feels compelled, driven by the demonstrated value of gratitude as a practice -- as something you do. Next month, many people won't be happy with the result of the presidential election, whoever wins. How does gratitude apply there? Does too much gratitude breed complacency ... and who should you be grateful to? We get into all that. Her thoughtful answers draw on her training and experience. 

Davisville, Oct. 3, 2016: The Death Café, in Davis

We all face it. It could do us some good to talk more about it. That’s the premise behind the Death Café, where people meet without a program, agenda, or speaker, to talk about death. The next Death Café in Davis is Nov. 6, and on today’s show we talk with two people organizing the event: Elizabeth Banks, senior minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, and Kristi Dvorak, community outreach director of the Davis Cemetery District and Arboretum. 

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You're a Davis icon, Bill. Keep up the good work of providing local, informative, and quality programming.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/15/2013 - 10:07pm

Bill, listen to the first 10 minutes of my show dated 7/7/2010. I hope you approve.
Paul Sheeran

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 7:22am

Just wanted to say thanks for an outstanding interview with Freedom From Hunger's president, Chris Dunford.
Keep up the good work!

Sam Citron

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 12:39pm

thanks, Sam!

This is the program in question; it aired Jan. 25:



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 12:42pm

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