The Folk Brothers, March 10, 2021: Who wrote 'Copper Kettle'?
Wed, 03/10/2021 - 11:30am | Peter SchiffmanJake Xerxes Fussell has a great new cover of the neo-traditional, Prohibition-era ballad "Copper Kettle." Authorship of this song -- recorded by many, perhaps most memorably by Joan Baez -- is an enigmatic, almost gumshoe-like tale in itself. We won't tell that tale, but you can learn all you might want to know in Ross Altman's "Folkworks" blog.
Also on today's show: new music from Jon Boden, Lau, Andrew Marlin, and the Paul McKenna Band. And Brother Bill delves into '70s Brit folk rock with tracks from Jade, Magna Carta and others.