Station Archive

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Celtic Songlines Winter Solstice

We’re now at that special time of year when many of us celebrate holidays during the Winter Solstice, such as Yule and Christmas. Our homes feature candles, mistletoe, holly or pines creating a close connection with the natural world.

The playlist on this week’s Celtic Songlines features artists who celebrate this season through their music, to help us pause and allow us to contemplate our connection with life on this earth and with each other.

Tune in for Loreena McKennitt, Ashley Davis with John Doyle, The Gothard Sisters, Kate Rusby, The Chieftains, John Fitzpatrick, Al Petteway with Amy White, Maggie Sansome and Bonnie Rideout, and Libana.

(image used with permission of the artist, Karen Davis @moonlight and hares)

41. 26.2 Miles

At 7 a.m. on December 5, 2021, 9000 athletes started their run on the scenic course of the 38th annual California International Marathon, from Folsom Dam to the California State Capitol in Sacramento. Hear how the marathon got its name and why it is 26.2 miles long. Explore marathons that start with a sip of wine, compete against horses, traverse the top of the world, run on water and at sub-zero temperatures, cross the Great Wall of China, and happened in outer space. Meet Davis native Brendan Gregg, winner of the 2021 California International Marathon, who tells us about his running career, training regimen, and advice for aspiring competitive runners. Then visit Athens, Greece—the birthplace of Western civilization and Europe’s oldest capital. Hear about agoraphobia, the first known democracy, modern Olympic Games, and an archaeological excavation that unearthed 50,000 ancient artifacts under a Metro line.

A Christmas Carol Part One

Marley was dead to begin with. The HUB presents an adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Starring reporters and editors as Victorian Londoners and some ghastly ghosts, this holiday offering is sure to make you smile. The story will conclude in part two next week.

Producers: Stella Maze and Max Davis-Housefield; Theme Music: Daniel Ruiz-Jimenez; Sound Effects: Executive Producer: Jihan Moon

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