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Summer Is Here!

School is OUT! Congratulations to all gratuating seniors! For those of us stuck in Davis for a few more years there are a lot of things going on this summer! Acme Theatre Company is hosting a summer writing program called The Food & Fairy Tales Project in which participants will create a collection of fairy tales the company will perform next season! This event is a collaboration with playwright Brian Oglesby. Going to movies is also an easy way to get out of the house in summer. Spy and Jurassic World are just the start of this summer's new releases. In Spy Melissa McCarthy plays a CIA agent who has spent her whole career behind a desk but goes into the field in her first undercover mission. In Jurassic World, the latest installment in the Jurassic park series, seeing animals that were once extinct walk around as they had millions of years ago has become commonplace.

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