Station Archive

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Santa Clara Debate Tournament With Jamie Moddelmog

This past weekend, Rocket and Jamie Moddelmog attended a debate tournament at Santa Clara University as pariliamentary debate partners. Jamie comes on the show to talk about the weekend and the various things they debated. Jamie talks about his experience with speech and debate as well as his experience so far with high school. Jamie also talks about his extensive rap career and the cross country team at DHS. For music, this show includes It's Thanksgiving by Nicole Westbrook (Thanksgiving is this week!), Cookie Jar Rap by Rocket Drew and Jamie Moddelmog (written and recorded in 6th grade), and Amber by Stick To Your Guns (the song they woke up to every morning in Santa Clara). 

Davisville, 11/23/15: A good year for movies heads for a good finish

This week I'm glad to welcome Davis film critic Derrick Bang back to Davisville for our annual end-of-the-year movie show. 2015 has been a good year for movies, he says, and today we get his take on films to see and skip this season, the continuing importance of the Thanksgiving-New Year’s stretch to Hollywood, and the films he considers to be the most unappreciated movies of Christmas.

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