Station Archive

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Election Day

Vote! Vote! Vote! Today is election day and polls in California stay open til 8pm. Go exercise you civic rights and all that good stuff. This show is election-themed, so naturally the music is too. The show kicks off with a real banger: "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus, the one and only. Up next is a real classic: "Keep Your American Dream" by Beartooth. Last (but not least) is "Dear Mr. President" by P!NK. The high quality literary selections for this show also reflect the elections. Rocket reads Duck for President and it's pretty wild. Rocket talks about theatre: DHS drama's first show of the year-- First Date and Acme Theatre Company's current auditions for their winter show-- Pronoun. Rocket also reads some top-notch jokes from the all-time fave" 1001 Cool Jokes.

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