Station Archive

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Welcome to the 1920's. A lot of DJUSD is dealing with this time period right now: The Great Gatsby, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, 1929 Night at Da Vinci High School. If you're not familiar with 1929 night, you should familiarize yourself because it's a really cool event. It's Da Vinci's Junior Class project and the event itself is this upcoming Friday. Visitors can immerse themselves in 1929 while students educate them on topics ranging from science to culture. Rocket reads straight from his history textbook about an important cultural item that emerged in this time period: radio. He also reads about the continued development of radio in the 1930's. Rocket talks about the Great Gatsby for a while (spoilers!), mostly just about how good it is. Rocket reviews a couple movies relevant to Gatsby that his class watched in English. Jamie Johnson's Born Rich and The One Percent.

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