That's Life

Lois Richter’s format for That’s Life is mostly interviews. Recurring topics include Davis activities and groups; work and life choices; philosophy and theory; plus birding, cooking, art, and other passions. Lois occasionally breaks into music — from ballads to the slack key sounds of Hawaii to golden oldies rock 'n' roll — but mostly there is just talk.

To suggest a topic for discussion or a person to interview, text Lois or leave a message in the comments here.

Lois seldom (but occasionally) updates her other website. Check it out at 

Replays Thursday 11am-12pm
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Sherman Stein's 'Survival Guide for Outsiders' -- plus music collage

Part I: Sherman Stein, author of “Survival Guide for Outsiders: Learn to protect yourself from politicians, experts, and other insiders”, joined us today.  Lois read aloud the first chapter of the book titled "The Journey" which provides an overview of the book's contents as well as the author's many years of exploration that culminated in this writing.  From his initial response to the threat of nuclear bombs in the 1980s, to his reflections on "who should decide", thru his analysis of how the world actually works -- he has transformed his personal inner journey to writing out this warning tome for all of us. Insider or outsider, there are words of caution for everyone. Sherman Stein is a mathematician and long-time Davis activist.

Part II: A collage of music by some of my favorite performers -- Margie Adam, Judy Fjell, and John Denver.


That's Life: "DCTV -- What, Where, When, Why?" with Diane Dedoshka

What KDRT is to radio, DCTV is to video -- a public access station in Davis!

In existence for almost thirty years, parts of Davis Community Television are brand new as of 2017. Listen to this episode to find out about DCTV's current programs, events, and volunteer opportunities here at our television station from Lois' guest Diane Dedoshka, the Studio Manager.

Diane manages DCTV's studio productions; creating studio shoots which are learning labs for community members and 'provide  content' for both for cablecasting  (channel 15 in Davis) and for online viewing.

Autumn (for Davis Media Access) writes about her: "Diane's background as a producer for commercial television has brought a new level of professionalism to our community productions, and we are grateful she is sharing her time and talent with us."

That's Life with humor therapist Allen Klein

Do you like to laugh?  That's GOOD!  And it's good FOR you!!

This week's guest is Allen Klein* is a long-time advocate of the healing properties of laughter and mirth. A co-founder of the AATH (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor), Allen is a powerful presenter and the author of many many helpful books.

His newest book is titled "SECRETS KIDS KNOW that adults oughta learn".  Tune in Thursday at 1:00 (or Friday at 3:00) to  hear some of those secrets and find out more about being healthier while being happier.

* Allen Klein, MA, CSP is an award-winning professional keynote speaker and best-selling author who shows audiences worldwide how humor can help them deal with everyday trials and tribulations as well as triumphing over tragedy. His TEDx Talk is "Your Thoughts & Intentions Create Your Reality". You can find all his books at:

Thats Life: Waterway Cleanup -- A Call to Action!

This Saturday (16 Sept 2017) is the annual California Coastal Clean-up Day and Yolo County areas are included!  Local groups organize various volunteer crews to remove trash from the banks and flood plains of several creeks and streams in the area.  John McNerney (City of Davis) and Amy Williams (Putah Creek Council) explained how what happens here effects the health of our oceans as well as our local fish.  Other area organizations which are leading projects include: Cache Creek Nature Preserve, Putah Creek Trout, River City Rowing Club, Lake Washington Sailing Club, and West Sacramento Bridge District.  If you are out of town that day, there may well be clean up efforts wherever you are -- the California Coastal Commission has information about many areas.

That's Life: Encaustic = art made from hot pots of color!

Adele Louise Shaw is an encaustic artist and teacher in Davis. Her work is known world-wide, and her art classes have been drawing enthusiastic students for years. Listen to hear about this fascinating art form -- newly revived in the west, it's origins are over 2000 years old!

What is encaustic? -- the substance, the process, and the finished work all share the same word. Should a piece of encaustic art be flat and painterly or 3-D and sculptural? Should it have bold splashes of color or subtle transparent layers? Since one can include other materials into encaustic, should the art piece then be called "encaustic", "mixed media", or "collage"? Adele will tell us YES! Encaustic art allows freedom of expression on many levels; we are not limited to the 'shoulds' that abound elsewhere.

That's Life: Fraud and Scams -- Warning from the DA's office

District Attorney officers Kevin Clark and Paul Hillegass came to let us know about the dangers we face from people running scams and trying to defraud us these days.  [I'd thought about calling them the "Fraud Squad", but they are far too serious for such a frivolous title.  Unless, of course, it get folks to listen to their warnings...]

That's Life: UCD physicist Matt Richter

Next Monday is the well-heralded solar eclipse across the US.  Where can you see it? Is it safe to look? What’s happening in Davis? This week (Thursday at 1:00 and Friday at 3:00 pm), UCD physicist Matt Richter will help us understand more about astronomy, eclipses, telescopes, and what the universe is really like. He’ll also brief us on current projects and hopes for discoveries.

That's Life: Anne Cowles on Astrology

Lois’ guest, Anne Cowles, talked about both the eclipse (21 August 2017) and about her belief in astrology. 

We began with an explanation of the mechanics of any eclipse -- three celestial objects lined up so that the one in the middle casts a shadow on the one furthest from the sun -- and discussed the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse.

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I love listening to your Hawaiian music choices and your comments on Hawaii when you play Hawaiian music. :-)

-- Arielle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 1:16pm

I forgot about all this great music...thanks for reminding me.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:42am

Great show! Never knew so much about green building...great guest. [Casa Verde]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 10:31am

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