Cobaea scandens.jpg
Weather-related troubles: Can X veggie take full sun? Should we "shade" our tomato plants? Don says "no". There's a difference between hot sun on the foliage and the sun-scald of ripening fruit. Can we keep our trees alive in this year's bone-dry ground? Signs of stress to look for, and what to do to help while watering most effectively.
Easy vines to cover a fence, wall, trellis ... including "Cup and saucer vine" (Cobaea scandens) pictured here.
"What's digging up my plants at night? Not eating them; just digging down underneath and pushing them out." Raccoons might be digging up the blood meal fertilizer. What? They're smelling the blood meal that's UNDERGROUND!!?! Yep. On a brighter note, Don is growing tomatoes in a gopher-infested plot -- successfully!
Visit Yolo is helping folks enjoy the wonderful vista of SUNFLOWERS in our area. Details at:
This was another drama-filled episode of the Davis Garden Show brought to you by Don Shor and Lois Richter.
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