"That's Life" with Chris Dewees (3/30)

On today's show "That's Life", Lois Richter will interview Chris Dewees who is a fish printer and author. Lois met Chris at Gallery 1855 where he held an art exhibition in 2015. Tune in to learn more about his work, especially Gyotaku (Japanese, from gyo "fish" + taku "rubbing"), which is a traditional Japanese art form dating from the mid-1800s. It is a form of nature printing often used by fishermen to accurately record their catches.


Chris didn't make it for the show in March, so we are re-scheduling this for May 4th. Sorry. I missed having him on then, and filled in with jazz and chatter.  The good news is that now more folks can learn about this and tune in in May!

-- Lois Richter, "That's Life" host

This interview was NOT on that date and has been re-scheduled to 4 MAY 2017.  Please come back then!

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