Every spring I see the male Red-Winged Blackbirds preening, courting, and establishing their territories as the yellow mustard starts to flower. Then the ladies show up, and "defending their space" is what all those boy birds think about. Suddenly, a few weeks later, I don't see them around. Silence. The mustard gets cut down without drama. No blackbirds. Where ARE they? Surely "fall migration" doesn't start in May! Or does it? I've asked Mary Sheidt (a birding expert, Audubon leader, and Fish & Game official) to talk to us about summer birds in Davis. Including blackbirds. And Barn Swallows. And Scrub Jays -- like, if all those others leave, why don't the jays? We'll take questions in the second half of the hour, so feel free to call in at 530-792-1648 between 1:15 and 1:45 on Thursday, June 21.
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