The Eclectic Dinosaur Visits The Grapevine

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, the one...the only..."Walkin' Talkin' Rockin'" Lee of KDRT's beloved "Eclectic Dinosaur" program...will be joining me in the KDRT studio this Thursday, April 15 from 7 to 8 pm. There's always a whiff of danger when we get together and start yappin' about classic American music...yea boy!

But we promise to be judicious with our yappin', and we will for sure make it happen with a big ol' bunch of sounds that will keep you spinnin' round!

Replays of the show will be comin' offa the KDRT antenna on April 19 from 3 to 4 pm, and, of course, you can catch it any time after the program airs at

So, here is the trivia question for this special broadcast:

What is known as the "Little Bitty Record With The Great Big Hole"?

Give us a call with your answer when we are on the air and we'll play your request. 792-1648.

Thanks for listening to K-DIRT!



The dinosaur really knows how to do it. He has the best things in life and making sure that he gets it done.

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