Davisville, June 17, 2024: Bob Dunning’s reborn column, one month later

Several weeks have passed since the Davis Enterprise laid off its best-known writer, Bob Dunning, who quickly moved his Wary 1 column to the online blog platform Substack and more than replaced his former salary through subscriptions. Today we talk about how his new venture is doing, how he’s doing, and his fast change from lifetime employment as Davis newspaper community columnist to a Davis star of Substack. “I’ve never traveled at the speed of light before,” he says, “but it’s kind of interesting.”


What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...

Very happy for Bob Dunning! He made lemonade out of lemons, and I'm happy to subscribe to his new venture. Davis Emptyprise is sohh foolish!!

Davis's own Harlen Coben!  The Emptyprise's loss is Sunstack's gain. Thank you for this broadcast. 

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