Station Archive

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Insect News Network #31 - 9/5/12 - Special Remote Aloha Edition from Hawaii

This was show that I recorded while researching on the Big Island. I discuss the beautiful emerald cockroach wasp, grasshopper meditations, and even the amazing discovery of the Dragonfly Ranch near the City of Refuge. Twas a remarkable experience and the interviews make the whole thing CLICK!

George Gershwin, the most successful composer of all time, is featured today

Dr. Paul honors composers by playing their compositions during the month of their birth. Today's show honors several composers born in September, including Johann Pachelbel, J.C. Bach, and Emmanuel Chabrier. But the most successful composer of all time (measured by money earned during the composer's lifetime) was George Gershwin, born 9/26/1898. He was a prolific composer of numerous broadway musicals, film scores, and, of course, "Rhapsody in Blue" and "An American in Paris." Dr. Paul plays his jazz-inflected and brilliant Piano Concerto in F. You will hear more compositions by Gershwin in shows later this month. Follow this link to see the top ten classical composer money makers of all time: Dr. Paul also presents for your enjoyment Pachelbel's Canon and Gigue in D, a quartet for two flutes by J. C.

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