Station Archive

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Pen Pals from 1933, on a special Imagining Yolo Davis, Jan. 5, 2024

Today we have a special show with a playlist written by a 15-year-old (Jane Hutchens) in 1933. Jane lived in Bloomington, Ind., and was pen pals with my uncle Joop Pastoor in 1933 and 1934. Jane talked about herself and the music she loved. I do not have any letters Joop wrote to Jane. Joop was born in Holland in 1915 and died in Amsterdam 2013. He lived a long life. Not so for Jane, who was born in Indiana in 1918 but passed away from an illness in 1946. Listen to her letters and her playlist.

I end the show with a couple of songs by local musicians. Check the playlist.

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