Station Archive
Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.
Vee's Beats for 2:00pm on Dec 23rd, 2015Wed, 12/23/2015 - 3:05pm | Veronica Shanti |
Gary Chew: 3rd Streaming for 1:00pm on Dec 23rd, 2015Wed, 12/23/2015 - 2:05pm | Gary Chew |
Heart to Heart for 12:00pm on Dec 23rd, 2015Wed, 12/23/2015 - 1:05pm | Dr. Gitane |
The Folk Brothers for 10:00am on Dec 23rd, 2015Wed, 12/23/2015 - 11:05am | Peter Schiffman |
Jazz After Dark December 22nd, 2015Tue, 12/22/2015 - 9:05pm | Don ShorHoliday jazz tonight! |
Roots, Shoots, and Leaves for 6:00pm on Dec 22nd, 2015Tue, 12/22/2015 - 8:10pm | Tree Kilpatrick |
Dec 22nd, 2015 -Karaoke & Political party choicesTue, 12/22/2015 - 5:05pm | Kyle |
Davis Music Connections for 2:00pm on Dec 22nd, 2015Tue, 12/22/2015 - 3:05pm | Connections Clyde |
Davisville, 12/21/15: As a boy, he sang on 'Charlie Brown Christmas'Mon, 12/21/2015 - 6:05pm | Bill BuchananThis program first aired in March 2015, but we always knew we'd broadcast it at Christmas, too. Fifty years ago David Willat, who was 11, was one of the half-dozen children who sang in the chorus on Vince Guaraldi’s classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Willat also sang in the choir on another of Guaraldi’s big projects that year, the Grace Cathedral Jazz Mass. On today’s program Willat talks about both experiences with host Bill Buchanan and Peanuts/Guaraldi expert Derrick Bang, Davis author of the 2012 book Vince Guaraldi at the Piano. |