Listening Lyrics Archives

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Mikey LP and Mike Stoner talk music on Listening Lyrics. Recorded on Apr 5th, 2019

What a great talent, listen in as Mikey LP along with Mike Stoner talk and play music on this wonderful hour of community radio.

Mikey LP of “Mikey LP & The Krooks”, is a 6 piece line-up ( myself- acoustic guitar/keys/ lead vox, 2 female singers, bass, guitar, & drums) currently wrapping up a new album.

They have performed at many venues throughout the are

Mikey LP is the resident house musician at La Bonne Soupe Cafe in addition to - being a private music instructor (guitar, bass, drums, keys, vox) and is also the Musical Director of The Natomas Evolution ( a student ensemble that performs various tribute shows). As if that isn’t enough Mikey LP is involved in a variety of other projects including working as the pit orchestra guitarist for Sacramento Theatre Company's upcoming production of "Disaster- The Musical."

He grew up in the bay area, college at Sac State in 2001 graduated with my BA in 2006.

Animation Discussion (plus Music) with Zahra Baxi. Recorded March 15th, 2019

For the last couple of years every Friday at Davis Media Access (and right next to the KDRT studio), teens have been participating in an animation class, in a self-organised group known as the Davis Teen Animators’ Club. Their mentor is DMA's own Alex Silva-Sadder. Well, as you might have guessed, we got to know them a bit, and a few months ago I asked them to join me this Friday. So listen now to club president Zahra Baxi and Alex as they share about animation and play some of their favorite music.

The Gold Souls live in the studio, recorded Feb 8th, 2019

Vocalist Juniper Waller, percusionist Billy D. Thompson and bass player Jace Dorn of The Gold Souls were in the studio. The Gold Souls bring the driving grooves of funk, the rich textures of soul, and the compelling storytelling of the blues to the Northern California scene. With the dynamic Juniper Waller at the helm, the band combines their many influences to create a unique sound that rings true to the idioms that inspire them. Their recent efforts include the release and tour of their self-recorded and produced, eponymous EP in May of 2017. This release, while remaining an honest representation, is only the beginning of the band’s creative journey. A new single is scheduled for release Febuary 12, 2019.

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