Speakeasy alternating with Bamboozled Archives

Music programs are only online for two weeks after they are broadcast.

Speakeasy: Cool Davis Initiative & Green Living Festival

This episode of "Speakeasy" highlights the Cool Davis Green Living Festival. In solidarity with 10-10-10 climate actions worldwide, organizers are planning a festival event that connects low-carbon lifestyle choices with a healthy environment, personal well-being, international eco-justice, and a thriving community. The festival is billed as a time of inspiration, fun, education, and celebration. Lynne Nittler, who is involved with Cool Davis Initiative and serves on the board of the Cool Davis Foundation, guests.

jesikah maria ross, the Art of Regional Change

jesikah maria ross co-founded and directs the Art of Regional Change, a UC Davis program that brings scholars, students, and artists together with community groups to collaborate on media arts projects that strengthen communities, generate engaged scholarship, and inform public decision-making.

ross is an educator, media maker, and community cultural development practitioner. She recently co-directed Saving The Sierra: Voices of Conservation in Action, an award-winning multimedia project that uses public radio, the Web, and citizen storytelling activities to document community efforts to conserve the culture, economy, and environment of the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California.

Her last film, MAQUILAPOLIS (Sound Recordist, Community Engagement Director) made in collaboration with workers in Tijuana’s assembly factories, aired nationally on PBS in October 2006. ross co-founded the National Association of Media Arts & Culture’s Leadership Institute, helped birth KDRT 95.7 LPFM, launched the Bioneers Reel Change Youth Media Program and designs participatory media projects for organizations in Europe, Africa, and the United States.

SAYS: Sacramento Area Youth Speaks

This show features Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS), a project of the CRESS Center at
the UC Davis School of Education. With SAYS Director Jason Mateo, and youth poets and poet mentors Charday Ife Adams, Alex Gonzalez, E-Legal Tag Team: Troublesin & Coon, and Adrian Gutierrez. Segment includes spoken word performances and discussion of what SAYS is and how youth can get involved. Recorded as part of Davis Media Access' "In the Studio" series.

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