Loafer's Glory - "A Hobo Jungle Of The Mind"
KDRT-LP is proud to bring our listeners reairings of "Loafer's Glory," a show featuring legendary folk singer Bruce "Utah" Phillips orginally recorded at KVMR in Nevada City, and now being brought back to audiences everywhere by Duncan Phillips.
A collage of rants, poetry, tales and reminiscences mixed in with little known music and talk from over 1,000 tapes, about everything under the sun, from tramping and labor (historic and contemporary) to baseball and old friends...from unreleased Lord Buckley to animals, children, tall tales, Paul Robeson, and most of what you need to know about life on the open road...and always music.
Help keep The Long Memory alive by tuning in! If you have a local community radio station near you, see if they'll consider carrying Loafer's Glory.
This program has no archived shows.
Hi -
listened to your program today
loved one of the songs you played on the tail end of your show
I remember the lyric "the kiss so salty on my cheek"
It was a song about prison.
Please let me know the name of the song when you can.
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